Trip History

Traveling is hands down one of the most exciting ways to gain new experiences. There’s so much value in eating different authentic food, checking out local attractions, and interacting with completely different people. With more jobs allowing for a remote or hybrid working situation, the number of people looking to travel has drastically increased. Whether it’s going on a vacation or working remotely, being in a new place can bring incredible experiences. Spend the working hours behind the computer, and your free hours in town, soaking in the culture. Use this table to track all of your trips. Think of it as the place to store all of your trip memories and all your future trip destinations!

Most travelers have a map of all the places they’ve been to on Earth. Each place that has been visited would have marked on the map with a little pin or a colored dot. This database serves as a virtual map. It stores all your previous trips, all the attractions you visited, where you slept, the method of transportation, etc. All the most important details pertaining to your trips are stored here. When you think back to each trip, you don’t need to dig deep in your memories. You don’t even need to dig deep in this template. All the information is at your fingertips, easy to find. This table is perfect for anyone that likes to travel anywhere! You don’t need to be a digital nomad, spending the majority of your time in different places. Do you love vacations? Do you travel frequently for work and get a little free time to explore? Do you visit family in different places often? If you like to travel and want to do it more, this template can store all the places you’d like to go, and all the places you’ve been to. You can begin exploring this template by checking out each table:


Where did I go for my third trip? What did I see on my 7th trip? Where did I stay on my 5th trip? Which 3 trips were most expensive? All of these questions can easily be answered by taking one quick peek at this table. Think of it as your trip overview, with all important details included.


  • Trip number. Sometimes it’s fun to track how your experiences have progressed as you go on more and more trips. This field indicated which trip number it was. After all, every trip is unique!
  • City. This field links to the Cities table, displaying the city that is the destination for the trip.
  • Start date. What date did you leave for your trip? This field is in year/month/day format.
  • Days spent. How many days did you spend on the trip? This field displays the number of days the trip took.
  • Purpose. This single select field indicates whether the trip was for vacation, to visit family, or if you just wanted to work remotely from somewhere else.
  • Attractions. This field links to the Attractions table, displaying the specific attractions visited during that trip. This can help you differentiate between whether you saw that one museum the first time you went to the city, or whether you only saw it the second time around.
  • Transportation. This field links to the Transportation table, indicating the specific transportation that was taken to get to the destination whether it was by plane, train, bus, etc.
  • Accommodations. This field links to the Accommodations table, displaying which accommodations were set for each trip. If you’ve got a friend going on a trip to a city you’ve been before and they ask you where you stayed, take one quick look at this field and send the recommendation their way.
  • Estimated cost. This formula field calculates the estimated cost spent on the trip, excluding smaller expenses such as gifts or food. This formula takes the sum of all the attractions visited, the total price of the accommodation (multiplied by the number of nights spend there), and the transportation used.
  • Rating. This is a rating field giving a rating of 1-5 hearts for how much you liked the overall trip. 5 being the best and 1 being the worst.
  • Notes. This field serves as a virtual post it. If there’s anything you want to mention about the trip overall, include it here.
  • Avg price per day. This field is hidden from all but one view, and it displays the average amount of money spent on one day by using a formula field that divides the total amount spent by the number of days the vacation lasted.


  • All trips. Displays all trips sorted by the first trip to the most recent trip.
  • Vacations. Displays all trips that are classified as vacations sorted by first trip to most recent trip.
  • Remote work. Displays trips whose purpose was to be able to work remotely in a new place, sorted by first to most recent trip.
  • Longer stays. Displays trips that lasted more than 10 days, sorted by first trip to most recent trip.
  • Budget friendly. Displays trips that cost less than 1500, sorted by cheapest to more expensive.
  • Best value. Displays trips that provided the lowest price per the duration of the trip, sorted by best to lowest value.
  • Highest rated. Displays trips that have 5 star ratings, sorted in chronological order by trip number.


Even if you’re out and about all day, you still need a place to sleep and reenergize yourself for the next day. This table logs all the different accommodations for each trip, making it easy to know where to go back in the future, or what to avoid.


  • Name. The name of the accommodation.
  • Type. Is it a hotel, a hostel, a house, etc.
  • Located in. This lookup field turns to the Trips table, and displays the city the accommodation is located in.
  • Cost per night. The price per night in any currency.
  • Address. The address the accommodation is located.
  • Phone number. The phone number used to call to inquire about the accommodation.
  • Email. The general introductory email associated with the accommodation.
  • Trip number. This field links to the Trips table, displaying during which strip you stayed at that accommodation.
  • Found through. The method you found this accommodation whether it was through one of the popular travel sites, friends and family, or general online searching.
  • Rating. This rating field indicates how much you liked the accommodation on a 1-5 star basis, 5 stars being the best.
  • Notes. Any additional notes about the accommodation should be included here.


  • All accommodations. Displays all accommodations sorted in alphabetical order.
  • Hotels. Displays accommodations categorized as hotels, sorted in alphabetical order.
  • Hostels. Displays accommodations categorized as hostels, sorted in alphabetical order.
  • Found online. Displays accommodations that were found through an online platform sorted in alphabetical order.
  • Budget friendly. Displays accommodations that cost less than 100 sorted by lowest price to highest price.
  • Highest rated. Displays accommodations that have a 5 star rating sorted in alphabetical order.


Seeing all the different attractions is arguably the best part of traveling. Each city has their own culture and sights to offer. This table keeps track of all the attractions that have been visited on one of the trips. It’s all the attractions in the cities that really make everything worthwhile.


  • Name. The name of the attraction.
  • Type. Is this attraction a general area that’s nice to walk around? Is it a historic land mark? Is it a museum? Select the type in this field.
  • Picture. A picture of the attraction.
  • Address. The address of the attraction.
  • Located in. This is a lookup field that indicates what city the attraction is located in based on which trip it was seen on.
  • Entrance cost. The price of an entry ticket to see the attraction. Any currency is valid.
  • Trip seen on. This field connects to the Trips table, identifying which trip this attraction was seen on.
  • Rating. The rating on a scale of 1-5 stars.
  • Notes. Any additional notes about the attraction.


  • All attractions. Displays all attractions sorted in alphabetical order.
  • Historic landmarks. Displays attractions categorized as historic landmarks sorted in alphabetical order.
  • Museums. Displays attractions categorized as museums sorted in alphabetical order.
  • Budget friendly. Displays attractions that cost less than 15, sorted by lowest price to highest price.
  • Highest rated. Displays attractions with a rating of 5 stars sorted in alphabetical order.


One critical part of every journey is the method of transportation. Getting from one place to the other can be both very pricey and very long. This table includes the transportation used for each trip, whether it was by flight, train, or bus.


  • Confirmation ID. The unique ID associated with the trip. Perfect ID for when you are trying to dig through your email to find the actual confirmation email from the transporting company.
  • Method. The method of transportation whether it is by fight, bus, train, or rental car.
  • Destination. This lookup field peeks at the Trips table to identify which city you were headed on that vacation.
  • Company. The company used to travel. When going to Paris, did you use United or was it American Airlines? You’ll find that info in this field.
  • Cost. The price of the round trip ticket.
  • Destination in hrs. The length of the travel in hours.
  • Associated trip #. This field links to the Trips table, identifying which # trip this transportation pertained to. After all, if you love a place a lot, you can go back a second time using a different method of transportation.
  • Notes. Any additional notes can be included here.


  • All transportation. Displays all transportation without any filters.
  • Flights. Displays all transportation that occurred by plane.
  • By train. Displays trips where the transportation method was by train. ****
  • Budget friendly. Displays transportation that cost less than 350, sorted by increasing cost.
  • Long duration. Displays transportation that took over 10 hours to complete, sorted by shortest to longest duration.


Think of this table as your virtual map, where you can include every city you’ve either traveled to, or you’d like to have as your destination in a future trip. If you’re living a digital nomad life, this table can make you feel well traveled, and show you which corners of the Earth you’ve explored, and which you have remaining on the list.


  • Name. The name of the city.
  • Country. The country the city resides in.
  • Date visited. This field looks at the Trips table to identify the general date you were in this city.
  • Trip number. The trip that had this city as the destination. This is retrieved from the Trips table.
  • Would recommend?. This boolean field lets you check mark whether you’d recommend the location to someone else or not.


  • All cities. Displays all cities in alphabetical order.
  • Bucket list. Displays cities that you haven’t yet gone to, but are on the list of places to go. This view is sorted in alphabetical order.
  • Would recommend. Displays cities you have been to and would recommend to someone else, sorted in alphabetical order.