User Feedback
Product Management

If you’re in business, it’s likely you’ve come across the saying, “Listen to the market.” Customers will speak and voice their opinions, but it’s up to the business to take in the feedback, evaluate it, and make relevant changes if feasible. When considering further innovation or development, many companies turn to the users for answers. The users and customers tend to keep the business running, after all. Having a tool that compiles all user feedback, ratings, and requested features can go a long way to drive further business decisions. Use this template to easily capture, read, interpret, and filter user feedback.

Obtaining customer feedback plays a significant role in improving a business. It provides a business with insight on customer desires, potential improvements, and valued customers that could be used as referrals. Crafting a product to put on the market is only half the battle. Listening to the market, ingesting and evaluating market feedback is the other half. This template filters and isolates users based on a number of constraints the business desires, such as seeing which users are within the target demographics. If your business has identified a specific demographic as the target audience for your application but your users consist largely of a completely different demographic, this information can be identified and used to shift the business’s marketing tactics and focus. Identify which customers loved the product and would server as great referrals, or which clients struggled with the product. Highlight common issues or desired features based on the user feedback. This template does it all! Take a look for yourself at this template more in depth, organized by each table:


Businesses often identify a specific anticipated audience that they feel their product would have the most success with. It’s not uncommon for a business to be surprised by their product being a hit with a completely different demographic. This table provides a general overview of all user details and their contact information


  • Name. The user’s name.
  • Photo. The user’s photo.
  • Email. The user’s email address.
  • Phone number. The user’s phone number.
  • Address. The user’s address.
  • Sign up date. The user’s sign up date.
  • Date of birth. The user’s date of birth.
  • Sex. The user’s sex.
  • Age. The user’s age.
  • Ethnicity. The user’s ethnicity.
  • Annual income. The user’s yearly average income.
  • Feedback ID. The ID pertaining to the feedback the user has left. This field links to the Feedback submissions table.
  • Is target demographic. This field looks to see whether the user is within a certain age range and income level that the company is targeting.


  • All users. Displays all user sorted in alphabetical order. The rows that have a light green background fall into the target audience the company has defined.
  • Target audience. Displays all users that fall within the target audience parameters sorted in alphabetical order.
  • All users gallery. Displays all users sorted in alphabetical order in the form of a gallery view.
  • By sex. Displays all users stacked by their sex in the form of a kanban view.
  • New user. Displays a form to add a new user to the roster. This form can be shared.

Feedback submissions

Although there are endless ways to receive feedback for a product, one of the most popular of these is a survey. Short surveys allow for users to spend 5 minutes to quickly express and rate their experience with various aspects of the product. This table hold all survey results in an organized, easy to understand manner.


  • ID. The unique ID associated with the submission.
  • Submitted by. This field links to the Users table to identify the specific user that submitted the report.
  • Submitted on. The date the feedback was submitted.
  • Primary goal. The user’s primary goal or intention when first purchasing the product or service.
  • Purchase method. A drop down single select that identified the method used for purchase.
  • Ease of use. A score on 1-5 rating how easy it was to use the product.
  • Net promoter score. A score on 1-5 for how likely the user is to recommend the product to their friends and family.
  • Satisfaction with features. A score on 1-5 for the user’s satisfaction.
  • Satisfaction with accessibility. A score on 1-5 for the user’s satisfaction with the accessibility.
  • Satisfaction with financial advisors. A score on 1-5 for the user’s satisfaction with the financial advisors available.
  • Satisfaction with banking options. A score on 1-5 for the user’s satisfaction with the various banking options.
  • Satisfaction with budget plan. A score on 1-5 for the user’s satisfaction with the budget plan created.
  • Satisfaction with UI. A score on 1-5 for the user’s satisfaction with the user interface.
  • Customer effort score. A score on 1-5 for the amount of effort the user had to put in to be able to contact support. If blank, the user did not need to reach out to support.
  • Desired features. This field links to the Features table to identify which features the user would like to see in the future.
  • Top features. This field also links to the Features table to identify which features the user enjoyed the most. This can be a great reference when deciding whether to keep a feature or retire it.
  • Comments/suggestions. A text field for the user to include additional comments or suggestions.
  • Average rating. A formula field that calculates the average of all the ratings of the feedback submission.
  • Is part of target audience. A lookup field that peeks at the Users table to determine whether this feedback is submitted from a user that is within the target audience.


  • All feedback. Displays all feedback sorted in chronological order of submission date. All submissions with a rating of 4 or higher on a scale of 1-5 have a background color of green, all submissions with a rating between 3.0 and 3.9 have a background color of yellow, and all ratings below 3 have a background color of red.
  • Negative feedback. Displays feedback with a rating below 3 sorted by lowest average rating to highest rating.
  • Positive feedback. Displays feedback with a rating above 3 sorted by highest average rating to lowest rating.
  • Contain comments or suggestions. Displays feedback with comments or suggestions entered that would require review sorted in chronological order of submit date. This view has feedback with an average rating of 3 or higher highlighted green, while submissions with an average rating below 3 are red. This view would be great to refer back to when deciding further improvements for the product or adding new requests.
  • By purchase method. Displays all feedback stacked by purchase method in the form of a kanban view.
  • Feedback form. Displays a form that can be shared to add a new submission to the database.


Features are typically at the forefront of a user’s perception of the product. A company can demonstrate they are listening and care about the users by developing in demand features to create a better user experience. Feature development can keep customers loyal, allowing them to enjoy the functionality of the product even more. It’s important to also keep track of features that have been developed and are greatly appreciated by users to ensure that with continuous changes to the product, the most loved features don’t retire. This table holds information about desired features and existing features as well as the demand or appreciation for each of these.


  • Title. The feature’s title.
  • Status. The feature’s current development status.
  • Description. A brief description of the feature.
  • Category. The feature’s category.
  • Requested by. This field links to the Feedback submissions table, identifying the unique ID of the submission that requested this feature in the future.
  • Valued by. This field links to the Feedback submissions table also, identifying the unique Id of the submissions that included the feature as one of their top features.
  • Number of requests. This formula field calculates the number of requests for this feature.
  • Number of positive mentions. This formula field calculates the number of positive mentions of this feature.


  • All features. Displays all features sorted by the highest number of requests at the top, then by the highest number of positive mentions. This view highlights features with more than 3 requests red, and features with more than 3 positive mentions green. This view can be referenced when deciding which features should be next in line for development.
  • By status. Displays all features stacked by their status in the form of a kanban view.
  • By category. Displays features stacked by their category in the form of a kanban view.
  • New feature request. Displays a form that can be shared to submit a new feature request or development.