Venture Capital Investments
Finance and Accounting

Many small to medium-sized companies rely on venture capitalist funds and expertise to drive their business growth. Investing in smaller companies can be quite thrilling, although there is plenty of risk and responsibility involved. Venture capital is important for funding and assisting the growth of innovative businesses with a high potential for success. Frequently, venture capitalists invest in a variety of companies, and it’s critical to have proper documentation of each investment, including equity, returns, etc. This template allows investors to keep detailed track of their investments in order to identify patterns and better inform future investments and financial decisions

We all try to reach our financial goals, whether we do it on our own or with investment partners. The ultimate goal is to have your money make more money for you. However, this requires detailed notes and proper tracking of investments. This template helps you log all investments and funds invested, among many other details. Using this template to stay on top of your investments can lead to more educated future financial investments and keep you updated on where your current investments stand. Whether you’ve got millions to invest or merely a few thousand, this template is the right tool aimed at informing you where your funds are, how the investments are doing, and future opportunities you are considering. Start using this template by filling in the Companies, Partners, and Contacts lookup tables. Then, use the Investments and Funds tables to record and keep track of your investments and funds. Here are the template’s features and highlights, by table:


This is the database’s main table. This table contains all of the important information about each investment. This can also be referred to as the funding rounds table. Track individual rounds of funding, linking them to the appropriate company and investment partners. If the background color of a record or row is yellow, it means that the investment record is still awaiting investors. If a record’s committed capital has been fully collected and invested, a green bar appears on its left border.


  • ID. An autogenerated primary key that serves as the unique identifier for this investment record or row.
  • Company. This field is linked to the Companies table, indicating the name of the company for which this investment is made.
  • Investment date. The date this investment was deployed for the company.
  • Type. This is a single select field that specifies this investment’s funding round type.
  • Company valuation. This is a lookup field based on the Company field that fetches the company’s valuation info from the Companies table. It returns the worth or value of a company.
  • Equity (%). In the context of venture capital, “equity” is the percentage of a company’s ownership that a shareholder owns. Equity is a key concept in finance and investing because it shows the potential for a return on investment.
  • Funds ID. This field is linked to the Funds table, specifying a link to the funds agreed upon by partners to put into this investment.
  • Committed capital. This is a formula field that calculates the total amount of money that all partners agreed to put into this investment. The committed capital represents the total amount of money that the VC partners can potentially invest over the life of the fund.
  • Invested capital. This is a formula field that determines how much of the committed capital has actually been collected and invested.
  • Invested capital (%). This is a formula field that determines the percentage of the committed capital that has actually been collected and invested.
  • Partners. This is a lookup field based on the Funds ID field that retrieves the names of the partners who invested in or participated in this investment.
  • Contacts. This is a lookup field based on the Company field that retrieves the names of this investment company’s primary contacts.
  • Annual management rate (%). This represents the annual management fees applied to the fund’s value, in percentage. This fee goes to the General Partner (GP) for managing the fund, which includes costs for support staff, legal fees, and fund administration. This is typically 2% within the venture capital fee structure, hence the “two-twenty” fee structure.
  • Carried interest rate (%). This refers to the share of profits that a General Partner (GP) in a VC fund is entitled to receive as compensation for managing the fund and making successful investments. “Carry” is a term often used to describe carried interest. The GP will receive this percentage of the profits from this investment after the principal is returned to the partners. It’s important to note that carried interest is only paid to the GP if the fund is successful and earns profits.
  • Location. This is a lookup field based on the Company field that retrieves the location state of the investment company.
  • Notes. Any description or remarks about this investment.
  • Number of partners. This is a formula field that counts the number of partners, both GP and LP, for this investment.
  • Number of GPs. This is a formula field that counts the number of General Partners for this investment.


  • All investments. Displays all investments without filters, sorted by Investment date from the oldest to the most recent.
  • By type. Displays a kanban view of all investments, stacked by Type.
  • Add investment. Displays a form view that facilitates adding investments to this database.


This table shows how much each investment partner has pledged or invested. It also emphasizes what each partner’s role is in the venture. Keep track of which pledges need to be followed up on and get estimates on every partner’s funds. Rows in this table are connected to funding rounds in the Investments table. If the partner still needs to pay for the fund, the background of the row turns yellow.


  • ID. An autogenerated primary key that serves as the unique identifier for this fund record or row.
  • Invested in. This field is linked to the Investments table, indicating the investment of which this fund is a part.
  • Type. This is a lookup field based on the Invested in field that indicates the type of funding round this fund is for.
  • Partner. This field is linked to the Partners table, indicating name of the partner who committed this fund.
  • Partner role. A single select field indicating the role of the partner who committed this fund. This could either be General Partner (GP) or Limited Partner (LP).
  • Committed amount. The total amount of capital that the partner has pledged to this fund.
  • Is collected. This is a checkbox that indicates whether this fund has been collected from the partner.
  • Collection date. This is the date the fund is collected from the partner.
  • Annual management fee. This is a formula that calculates the annual management fee relative to the fund’s value. In the venture capital fee structure, this is usually 2%, hence the “two-twenty” fee structure.
  • Est. profit share (%). This is a formula that calculates the investment partner’s estimated profit share in percentage if the fund is successful and earns profits.
  • Notes. Any description or remarks about this fund.
  • Invested in for sorting. A formula field that converts the Link-to-table field, Invested in, into text for sorting purposes. This field is hidden by default.
  • Partner for sorting. A formula field that converts the Link-to-table field, Partner, into text for sorting purposes. This field is hidden by default.


  • All funds. Displays all funds without filters, sorted by Invested in for sorting, then by Partner role, and finally by Partner for sorting.
  • By partner role. Displays a kanban view of all funds, stacked by Partner role.
  • Add fund. Displays a form view that facilitates adding funds data to the database.


This table shows the names, valuations, industries, and other pertinent details about the companies that are getting investments. The background of a record or row turns yellow if the company is still awaiting investors.


  • Name. The unique identifier and the complete name of this company.
  • Description. Any additional information or a detailed description about this company.
  • Type. A single select field that specifies whether this business or company is product-based or service-based.
  • Industry. This is a multiple select field for categorizing this company or identifying the industry in which it operates.
  • Founding date. The date this company started operating.
  • Valuation. Valuation is an important concept in finance and investing because it helps investors and analysts figure out what an investment might be worth. In the context of venture capital, company valuation is especially important because it’s used to figure out how much equity a Venture Capital firm will get in exchange for their investment.
  • Funding rounds. This field is linked to the Investments table, specifying all of the investments made for this company.
  • Contacts. This field is linked to the Contacts table, specifying all primary contacts for this company.
  • Website. This is the company’s main website’s URL.
  • Street address. This is the street where this company is located.
  • City. This is the city where this company is located.
  • State. This is the state where this company is located.
  • Zip code. The mailing zip code of this company location.
  • Is active. This is a checkbox indicating whether this company is still active or not.


  • All companies. Displays all companies without filters, sorted alphabetically by Name.
  • By type. Displays a kanban view of all companies, stacked by Type.
  • Add company. Displays a form view that facilitates adding companies to this database.


This table contains information about the investors or investment partners. These include the investors’ contact information and address. This table also allows you to filter investors based on their investments for easier tracking. A yellow bar appears in the left border of the rows of investors who must still make investments or participate.

Fields # limited partners (LPs) invest in a venture capital fund

  • Name. The full name of the investment partner.
  • Photo. The investment partner’s photograph.
  • Investments. This is a lookup field that returns all investments this partner has participated in.
  • Phone. The investment partner’s current phone number.
  • Email. The investment partner’s current email address.
  • Notes. Any description or remarks about this investment partner.
  • Street address. The investment partner’s street address.
  • City. The investment partner’s city.
  • State. The investment partner’s state.
  • Zip code. The investment partner’s zip code.
  • Is active. This is a checkbox indicating whether this investment partner is still active or not.
  • Related funds. This field is linked to the Funds table, specifying all funds this partner has committed. This field is hidden by default.


  • All partners. Displays all investment partners without filters, sorted alphabetically by Name.
  • Partners. Displays a gallery of active investment partners, sorted alphabetically by Name.
  • Add partner. Displays a form view that facilitates adding investment partners to this database.


Find in this table the primary contact(s) for each investment-seeking company. This table stores information regarding the role or designation of contacts, as well as their contact information.


  • Name. This contact’s full name.
  • Photo. This contact’s photograph.
  • Company. This field is linked to the Companies table, indicating the company to which this contact belongs.
  • Role. This is a multiple select field specifying this contact’s role or designation.
  • Phone. This contact’s current phone number.
  • Email. This contact’s current email address.
  • LinkedIn profile. The URL of this contact’s LinkedIn profile.
  • Notes. Any description or remarks about this contact.
  • Street address. This contact’s street address.
  • City. This contact’s city.
  • State. This contact’s state.
  • Zip code. This contact’s zip code.
  • Is active. This is a checkbox indicating whether this contact is still active or not.
  • Company for sorting. A formula field that converts the Link-to-table field, Company, into text for sorting purposes. This field is hidden by default.


  • All contacts. Displays all contacts without filters, sorted alphabetically by Company and Name.
  • Contacts. Displays a gallery of active contacts, sorted alphabetically by Name.
  • Add contact. Displays a form view that facilitates adding contacts to this database.