Wedding Client Planner

Planning the perfect wedding is exciting! However, it can be quite a puzzle. Fitting all the pieces to make the event as seamless as possible has proven to be challenging, even for the experienced planner. You’ve got to take care of the food, the guests, the entertainment, the floral arrangements, the venue, and so much more. Not to mention the cost of each of those multiplied by the size and duration of the wedding. It takes an exceptional event planner to properly deliver a magical wedding day to a couple, and it takes extraordinary skills to execute with the same success time after time, for each new client. This template allows you, the wedding planner, to organize all significant details for each wedding in one centralized location, keeping track of several clients and vendors all in the same place.

Clients, venues, supplies, contacts—it’s all here. Jump into this template and start building a log of everything you have used for previous and future clients. Having a running calculation of the different costs and project components aids you in the decision-making process because the more you use it, the more better the template gets! Here are some of the template’s features by table:


Think of this as the dashboard for all of your client weddings. This table identifies all the vendors the wedding will be using, the budget, the running cost, and all other important details that are critical to the wedding.


  • Couple. The name of the couple that is getting married.
  • Wedding date. The wedding date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
  • Venue. This field links to the Venues table, which identifies the venue the wedding reception will be held.
  • Catering company. This field links to the Vendors table, which identifies the catering company the couple has decided to move forward with to serve the wedding.
  • Entertainment. This field links to the Vendors **table, which identifies the entertainment that will be provide at the wedding.
  • Florist. This field links to the Vendors **table, which identifies the florist the couple will be using for their wedding.
  • Bakery . This field links to the Vendors **table, which identifies the bakery the couple has decided to move forward with for their cake.
  • # of attendees. The number of anticipated people attending the wedding.
  • Est. duration in hrs. The estimated duration of the wedding in hours.
  • Budget. The budget the couple has agreed upon for the wedding.
  • Estimated cost. This is a formula field that calculates the estimated cost of the wedding as a whole. This includes the cost of the venue multiplied by the duration of the reception, the cost of the supplies, the cost of the food multiplied by the number of attendees, the price of the entertainment per the duration of the wedding, the cost of floral arrangements, and more.
  • Over/under. This field calculates the estimated cost of the wedding relative to the budget. If the number in this field is negative, the estimated cost is over the allotted budget. If the result is positive, the estimated cost is under the allotted budget.
  • Supplies. This field is linked to the Supplies **table, identifying different supplies that will be used for the wedding such as different floral pieces and the cake.
  • Clients. This field links to the Clients table, identifying the individual clients that are getting married.


  • All weddings. Displays all weddings, sorted by wedding date from earliest to latest.
  • Big weddings. Displays weddings with over 200 estimated attendees sorted by wedding size from smallest to largest.
  • Low budget. Displays weddings with a budget of 25,000 or less, sorted by budget from lowest to highest.


Wedding planning requires constant communication with the clients that are getting married. Maintaining proper, constant communication with the clients is key to finalizing important decisions for the wedding. This table contains all contact information for each of the clients.


  • Name. The name of the client.
  • Phone number. Their phone number.
  • Email. The client’s email.
  • Address. The address of the client.
  • Wedding. This field links to the Weddings **table, indicating the specific wedding they are a contact for.
  • Notes. Additional notes about the client. Do they make the final decisions? Are they best reached during specific times? Make a note of those details here.


  • All clients. Displays all clients and their contact info sorted in alphabetical order from A-Z.


Location is key when it comes to weddings. Most people have an ideal venue for where their wedding will be held, and choosing the location is critical to fulfilling one’s dream wedding. This table tracks each venue and significant details, enabling the wedding planner with a list of perfect venue weddings to offer the clients.


  • Name. The name of the venue.
  • Pic. A picture of what the inside of the venue looks like.
  • Address. The address where the venue is located.
  • Phone number. The main phone number of the venue.
  • Capacity. The number of people the venue can safely seat.
  • Cost per hour. The cost of the venue per hour.
  • Contact. This field links to the Contacts **table, identifying the specific contact to reach out to when booking the venue or asking questions.
  • Weddings. This field links to the Weddings **table, displays the specific weddings that have the venue booked for their wedding.


  • All venues. Displays all venues sorted in alphabetical order from A-Z.
  • High capacity. Displays venues with a capacity greater than 300 sorted in order by lowest to highest capacity.
  • Budget friendly. Displays venues with an hourly rate lower than 310 sorted in ascending order by price per hour.
  • Gallery: All venues. Displays all venues in a gallery view, sorted by capacity from largest to smallest.


Although venue and food are important in a wedding, the floral arrangements and cake are quite critical pieces to a wedding as well. This table serves as an inventory for all supplies needed for the wedding.


  • Item. The name of the item.
  • Pic. A picture of what the item looks like.
  • Intention. A single select field that designates which portion of the wedding the item is intended for.
  • Available from vendor(s). This field links to the Vendors table, identifying the vendor that offers the specific item.
  • Average price per unit . The average price of the item, although not entirely accurate. This is primarily used for the cost estimate of the overall wedding.
  • Wedding(s) . The wedding listed in the Weddings **table, displaying which wedding has used the specific supply.


  • All supplies. Displays all supplies sorted in alphabetical order.
  • Wedding party. Displays supplies designed for wedding party use sorted in alphabetical order.
  • Reception. Displays supplies designed for use at the reception sorted in alphabetical order from A-Z.
  • Ceremony. Displays supplies designed for use at the ceremony sorted in alphabetical order from A-Z.
  • Expensive. Displays supplies with an estimated price of more than 300 per item sorted by lowest to highest price.
  • Budget friendly. Displays supplies with an estimated price less than 200 per item sorted by lowest to highest price.
  • By intention. Displays all supplies in a kanban view, stacked by intention.


Maintaining relationships is key when it comes to any event planning. Having a place to record all the different vendors and their contact info allows for the maintenance of those relationships. Being able to easily pull up a list of all previously used florists or catering companies makes the entire wedding planning process for multiple clients much easier.


  • Name. The name of the vendor.
  • Company type. A drop down menu displaying the type of services the vendor offers.
  • Address. The address of the vendor if applicable.
  • Phone number. The phone number of the vendor.
  • Price. The average price. For catering company, it is price per plate and for entertainment the price is per hour.
  • Notes. Additional notes about the vendor and their services.
  • Contact. The specific contact from the Contacts **table that communication about the vendor runs through.
  • Weddings. There are a few weddings fields that are hidden under the all vendors view, but are displayed when looking at the specific views.


  • All vendors. Displays all vendors sorted in alphabetical order from A-Z.
  • Florists. Displays vendors that are labeled as florists. An additional field, Weddings - Florists is visible under this view, demonstrating the weddings that have used the respective florist.
  • Catering. Displays vendors that are labeled as catering companies An additional field, Weddings: Catering is visible under this view, demonstrating the weddings that have used the respective catering company.
  • Entertainment. Displays vendors that are labeled as entertainment. An additional field, Weddings: Entertainment is visible under this view, demonstrating the weddings that have used the respective entertainment company.
  • Bakeries. Displays vendors that are labeled as bakeries. An additional field, Weddings: Bakeries is visible under this view, demonstrating the weddings that have used the respective bakery.
  • By company type. Displays all vendors in a kanban view, stacked by company type.


Alongside vendors, it’s important to log all contacts used for each vendor. This table tracks all contact info for each vendor representative, enabling the wedding planner with the quick knowledge of exactly who to reach out to in regards to each venue or vendor.


  • Name. The name of the contact.
  • Phone number. The contact’s phone number.
  • Email. The way to reach a contact through email.
  • Notes. Additional notes about the specific contact and the way they like to be engaged with. Their availability should be listed here.


  • All contacts. Displays all contacts sorted in alphabetical order from A-Z.
  • Venue. Displays contacts that represent a venue. An additional field titled Venue is visible with this view, displaying the view the contact is associated with. This view is sorted in alphabetical order from A-Z.
  • Vendor. Displays contacts that represent a vendor. An additional field titled Vendor is visible with this view, displaying the associated vendor. This view is sorted in alphabetical order from A-Z.