Discontinuing PostgreSQL 11 support banner

Discontinuing PostgreSQL 11 Support: Upgrade Required

Learn about important changes to PostgreSQL support in Baserow. We're discontinuing PostgreSQL 11 support and providing guidance for upgrading to PostgreSQL 15. Find detailed instructions and resources for a smooth upgrade process.

Baserow database and JSON web tokens authentication guide

How to authenticate to Baserow using web tokens

Learn to authenticate to Baserow using the database token and the JSON web token (JWT). Here's how to use each one to authenticate to Baserow.

Baserow plugin for language translation

How to create a ChatGPT language translation plugin

Learn to create a language translation plugin with Baserow and ChatGPT. Translate fields easily with this native integration, or create your own plugin!


Baserow for developers: January digest

Learn about Baserow’s engineering culture, new technical features, and our latest developer job opportunities.


How Baserow lets users generate Django models on the fly

Baserow generates Django models dynamically to mutate user data. Learn how and why we do this at Baserow.