What’s Baserow? An overview for database creators

Are you new to the platform and want to learn more? Don’t worry! We’ve gathered all the information you need about Baserow in this blog post. Keep reading to find out what Baserow is all about.

What’s Baserow?

Baserow is a collaborative open-source platform that helps you create scalable databases and applications without code. It allows non-technical teams to digitize workflows, automate processes, and improve business efficiencies. With Baserow, you can easily create, collaborate on, and search through tables that organize all your data. Having one database for all your company’s workflows ensures that everyone knows where to find what they need.

Our background

In recent years, the low-code and no-code industries have experienced significant growth, especially during the pandemic. These solutions have helped address the challenges of digitizing workflows, automating processes, and improving business efficiencies when physical interaction was not possible. In the past, such innovations required highly skilled engineers. Today, with no-code tools like Baserow, anyone can collaboratively create functional applications quickly and efficiently.

Our goal

Our vision is to empower everyone to build databases and applications faster, easier, and cheaper. Our mission is to build the most scalable, flexible, and user-friendly open-source no-code toolchain in the world.

Our product

Baserow is a no-code database and application builder designed for marketers, engineers, and anyone who needs a database as easy to use as a spreadsheet.

Databases and tables

Start from scratch, import existing files, or use our templates.


Rich field types

Choose from various rich field types like single-line text, long text, number, rating, boolean, date, URL, and single/multiple select.


Drag and drop files into tables and perform fast calculations with the Formula field type.


Create relationships between tables by linking them together.

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Collaboration features

Invite others via email and collaborate in real-time.

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Leave comments within rows to communicate or ask questions when working with collaborators.

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Easily share your data by creating a public link.

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View types

Visualize and customize your data using Gallery and Kanban views.

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Build your own public form, share it with others, and see your database update in real-time.

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Row coloring

Color records to make them stand out. Use colors as flags on the left side of the primary field or as background colors.

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Connect Baserow with other software using our API-first approach. Integrate with any tool you need to build apps, automate processes, and drive productivity.

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Receive real-time notifications about changes made in your database by setting up webhooks. Test them before saving to ensure everything works.

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High data throughput

Work with 100,000+ rows per table without any issues. Baserow’s architecture is built for scaling, speed, and stability, even with large volumes of data.

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Our technology

Developing a unique, efficient, and interoperable database is crucial to driving adoption of the first open-source no-code toolchain. Our open development model allows us to create more stable and secure technology. We operate transparently, enabling users to build, expand, and customize Baserow according to their requirements. This incentivizes innovation as the community contributes to feature development.

Our developers prioritize clean code and focus on delivering the highest quality product to the market. We have a clear architecture, well-written documentation, and separate coding processes to facilitate platform extension as we grow. Baserow is built using modern and proven frameworks like Django and Nuxt.

Use cases

Data management

Organize and maintain data for all your projects. Visualize data in different views, create relationships between tables, and use formulas for increased productivity.

Backend database for (mobile) apps

Create, read, update, and delete data in Baserow via the API. Set up webhooks to track changes and receive real-time notifications.

Automation and integrations with other tools

Baserow is API-first, allowing you to connect with any other software and automate workflows using our API docs and webhooks.

Collaboration on data

Invite users via email and collaborate in real-time. Changes to data are immediately visible.

Website: Try out Baserow and find important information about the company.

Community forum: Leave feature requests or ask for help.

Developer documentation: Learn about the development environment behind Baserow.

Social media: Follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn.

Feel free to connect with us, ask questions, or make suggestions. As an open-source company, we welcome contributions from everyone!