Install on AWS

This guide will walk you through picking the best way to deploy Baserow to AWS, what pre-requisites you will need to set up and also provide specific installation instructions. This guide is for those who already have experience and knowledge of deploying applications to AWS.

Overview of deployment options

Baserow can be deployed to AWS in the following ways:

  1. Deploying the all-in-one image to Fargate/ECS for a horizontally scalable but easy to set up deployment. See below for a detailed guide.
  2. Using this docker-compose file or our sample K8S configuration as a starting point to configure ECS/Fargate tasks for more advanced, production ready, one service per container model. See below for a detailed guide
  3. Using the Baserow community maintained helm chart and EKS.
  4. Customizing our sample K8S configuration and using that with EKS.
  5. Installing and using docker/docker-compose on an EC2 instance with our all-in-one or our one container per service docker images.

All of these deployment methods will store Baserow’s data and state in RDS and S3 making switching between them (for example migrating to using EKS later on) straightforward.

Prerequisites for deploying Baserow to AWS

We will go through these in more detail later in the guide but to give you a quick overview this is what any AWS deployment of Baserow will need:

  • An AWS IAM account with sufficient privileges to create AWS resources* A Postgres database (RDS)
  • A S3 bucket for storing user uploaded files and user triggered exports of tables.
  • An AWS IAM account with privileges to upload to the S3 bucket.
    • Specifically their AWS Access Key ID and Secret Access Key will be needed to configure Baserow to upload into the bucket.
    • A VPC
    • A non-clustered Redis server (Elasticache with TLS on and cluster mode off)
      • A SMTP email server for Baserow to send emails with.

Option 1) Deploying the all-in-one image to Fargate/ECS

The baserow/baserow:1.28.0 image runs all of Baserow’s various services inside the container for ease of use.

This image is designed for single server deployments or simple deployments to horizontally scalable container deployment platforms such as AWS Fargate or Google Cloud Run.

Why choose this method


  • Can be easily horizontally scaled with enough control for most production setups by just increasing the container count.
  • Simpler to use and setup compared to the one container per-service model below because:
    • You don’t need to worry about configuring and linking together the different services that make up a Baserow deployment.
    • Configuring load balancers is easier as you can just directly route through all requests to any horizontally scaled container running baserow/baserow:1.28.0.


  • Doesn’t follow the traditional one container per task/service model.
  • Potentially higher resource usage overall as each of the all-in-one containers will come with its internal services, so you have less granular control over scaling specific services.
    • For example if you deploy 10 baserow/baserow:1.28.0 containers horizontally you by default end up with:
      • 10 web-frontend services
      • 10 backend services
      • 10 backend fast async task workers
      • 10 backend slow async task workers
    • You can use environment variables to configure this somewhat.
  • Harder to isolate failures specific to certain services as the logs per container will include multiple services.
    • However, Baserow fully supports Open Telemetry which lets you hook Baserow up to many cloud application monitoring solutions like Honeycomb, Datadog, NewRelic or a Grafana/Loki/Tempo/Prometheus stack.

Installation steps

We will be skipping over configuring VPCs, security groups, IAM users, secrets manager etc and ELB specifics to keep this guide more generally applicable.

1) Provision an S3 bucket for user file uploads

First Baserow needs an S3 bucket. Baserow will use this bucket to store files uploaded by users into tables and view/table exports for users to then download.

Baserow will then generate pre-signed S3 URLs for the user to view and download files from this bucket. As a result, these pre-signed URLs need to be accessible from the user’s browser and so depending on your setup most likely the bucket to allow public GET/ACLs.

We recommend setting up a separate IAM user who Baserow will be configured with credentials for, so it can upload into and delete from the bucket. Here is an example S3 policy for this user to grant the minimal required operations:

policy = <<EOF
    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [{
        "Effect": "Allow",
        "Action": [
             "Principal": {
                "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::xyz:user/YOUR_USER"
        "Resource": [

This bucket will also in the current version of Baserow need CORS rules set for the in-tool file download button to work correctly. An example rule is provided below:

cors_rule {
allowed_headers = ["*"]
allowed_methods = ["GET"]
expose_headers  = ["ETag"]
max_age_seconds = 3000

Finally, these are the following public access settings we used to ensure the users browser can GET and download the S3 files:

 block_public_acls       = false
 block_public_policy     = true
 ignore_public_acls      = true
 restrict_public_buckets = true

2) Provisioning a Postgres using RDS

Baserow stores all of its non-file data in a PostgreSQL database. In AWS we recommend using an RDS Postgres cluster. You will later need to configure Baserow to be able to access this cluster.

Baserow uses PostgreSQL heavily so scaling the RDS cluster up will be needed for larger deployments.

You should not put an RDS Proxy in front of the RDS instance. This is because the proxy causes a transaction to end after a definition language (DDL) statement completes. Baserow is therefore incompatible because it makes schema changes, and if anything goes wrong the after a schema migration, the transaction isn’t rolled back, and results in data inconsistencies. More information:

3) Provisioning a Redis using Elasticache

Baserow uses Redis as a cache, for real-time collaboration over WebSockets and async background task processing.

We recommend setting up an Elasticache Redis in non-cluster mode with TLS enabled and in AUTH mode where you can specify an AUTH token password for Baserow to later connect to the Redis server.

Generally, the Redis server is not the bottleneck in Baserow deployments as they scale.

4) Setting up an ALB and target group

Now create a target group on port 80 and ALB ready to route traffic to the Baserow containers.

When setting up the health check for the ALB the baserow/baserow:1.28.0 container ,which you’ll be deploying next, choose port 80 and health check URL /api/_health/. We recommend a long grace period of 900 seconds to account for first-time migrations being run on the first container’s startup.

5) Launching Baserow on ECS/Fargate

Now we are ready to spin up our baserow/baserow:1.28.0 containers. See below for a full task definition and environment variables. We recommend launching the containers with 2vCPUs and 4 GB of RAM each to start with. In short, you will want to:

  1. Select the baserow/baserow:1.28.0 image.
  2. Add a port mapping of 80 on TCP as this is where this images HTTP server is listening by default.
  3. Mark the container as essential.
  4. Set the following env variables:

A full list of all environment variables available can be found here.

Env variable Description
DISABLE_VOLUME_CHECK=true Must be set to true. Needed to disable the check designed to help non-technical users who are not configuring an external Postgres and S3. Because we are configuring external services we do not need any volume mounted into the container.
BASEROW_PUBLIC_URL The public URL or IP that will be used to access baserow in your user’s browser. Always should start with http:// https:// even if accessing via an IP address.
DATABASE_HOST The hostname of the Postgres database Baserow will use to store its data in.
DATABASE_USER The username of the database user Baserow will use to connect to the database at DATABASE_HOST.
DATABASE_PORT The port Baserow will use when trying to connect to the Postgres database at DATABASE_HOST.
DATABASE_NAME The database name Baserow will use to store data.
DATABASE_PASSWORD The password of DATABASE_USER on the Postgres server at DATABASE_HOST. Alternatively, you can provide DATABASE_PASSWORD_FILE and set it to the file path of a secret injected into the container’s file system.
REDIS_URL A standard Redis connection string in the format of: redis://[redisuser]:[password]@[redishost]:[redisport]/0?ssl_cert_reqs=required.
AWS_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME Your AWS storage bucket name.
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID The access key for your S3 IAM AWS account. When set to anything other than empty will switch Baserow to use a S3 compatible bucket for storing user file uploads.
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY The access secret key for your S3 IAM AWS account. AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY_FILE can similarly be provided instead.
DOWNLOAD_FILE_VIA_XHR Must be set to 1 to work with AWS S3 currently to force download links to download files via XHR query to bypass Content-Disposition: inline. If your files are stored under another origin, you also must add CORS headers to your S3 bucket.
BASEROW_EXTRA_ALLOWED_HOSTS An optional comma-separated list of hostnames which will be added to Baserow’s Django backend ALLOWED_HOSTS setting. Add your ALB IP address here so the health checks it sends are allowed through, or alternatively configure the less secure value * to get things running and restrict hosts later once everything is working.
BASEROW_JWT_SIGNING_KEY Must be set so all the containers share the same signing key. The signing key is used to sign the content of generated tokens. For HMAC signing, this should be a random string with at least as many bits of data as is required by the signing protocol. See here for more details. BASEROW_JWT_SIGNING_KEY_FILE is also supported.
SECRET_KEY Must be set so all the containers share the same secret key. The Secret key used by Django for cryptographic signing such as generating secure password reset links and managing sessions. See here for more details. SECRET_KEY_FILE is also supported.
EMAIL_SMTP_* There are a number of SMTP related environment variables documented in our environment variable guide here which will also need to be set so Baserow can send invitation and password reset emails.
  1. Select the desired launch type (we used Fargate).
  2. Set the OS family as Linux.
  3. Next create the ECS service using your ALB, target group and this task definition.
  4. Ensure the Ingress security group for the ECS containers should allow the ports for:
    1. The HTTP port (80 unless you’ve set up different port mappings)
    2. The Redis port
    3. The Postgres port

6) Example task definition

Here is a full example task definition using ECS and Fargate.

container_definitions    = <<DEFINITION
      "name": "baserow_task",
      "image": "baserow/baserow:1.28.0", 
      "logConfiguration": {                     #logs are not mandatory
                "logDriver": "awslogs",
                "options": {
                    "awslogs-region" : "YOUR_REGION_NAME",
                    "awslogs-group" : "/ecs/baserow_log",
                    "awslogs-stream-prefix" : "baserow",
                    "awslogs-create-group": "true"
      "environment": [
        "name": "DISABLE_VOLUME_CHECK",
        "value": "yes"
        "name": "BASEROW_PUBLIC_URL",
        "value": "<YOUR_PUBLIC_URL>"
        "name": "DATABASE_HOST",
        "value": "<YOUR_POSTGRES_DB_HOST>"
        "name": "DATABASE_USER",
        "value": "postgres"
        "name": "DATABASE_PORT",
        "value": "<PORT_NUMBER>"
        "name": "DATABASE_NAME",
        "value": "<YOUR_POSTGRES_DB_NAME>"
        "name": "DATABASE_PASSWORD",
        "value": "<YOUR_POSTGRES_DB_PASSWORD>"
        "name": "REDIS_URL",
        "value": "rediss://default:password@YOUR_REDIS_PRIMARY_ENDPOINT:6379/0?ssl_cert_reqs=required"
        "name": "AWS_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME",
        "value": "<YOUR_BUCKET_NAME>"
        "name": "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID",
        "value": "<YOUR_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID>"
        "name": "AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY",
        "value": "<YOUR_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY>"
        "name": "DOWNLOAD_FILE_VIA_XHR",
        "value": "1"
        "value": "<YOUR_ALLOWED_HOSTS>"
        "name": "BASEROW_JWT_SIGNING_KEY",
        "value": "<YOUR_SIGNING_KEY>"
        "name": "SECRET_KEY",
        "value": "<YOUR_SECRET_KEY>"
      "essential": true,
      "portMappings": [
          "containerPort": 80,
          "hostPort": 80 
      "memory": 8192,
      "cpu": 4096
  requires_compatibilities = ["FARGATE"] 
  network_mode             = "awsvpc"    
  memory                   = 8192         
  cpu                      = 4096        

7) Extra Scaling Options

Other than launching more baserow/baserow tasks and scaling up the RDS postgres server, the baserow/baserow image has the following scaling environment variables which can help reduce the resource usage per container or allocate more resources to certain services inside the container.

  1. BASEROW_AMOUNT_OF_GUNICORN_WORKERS controls the number of REST API workers ( the things that do most of the API work) per container. Defaults to 3. Each extra worker generally takes up around 100-200 MB of RAM.
  2. BASEROW_AMOUNT_OF_WORKERS controls the number of background task celery runners, these run real-time collaboration tasks, cleanup jobs, and other slow tasks like big file exports/imports. If you are scaling many of these containers you probably only need one of these background workers per container as they will all pool together and collect background tasks submitted from any other container via Redis.
  3. You can make the image launch fewer internal processes and hence reduce memory usage by setting BASEROW_RUN_MINIMAL=yes AND BASEROW_AMOUNT_OF_WORKERS=1.
    1. This will cause this image to only launch a single celery task process which handles both the fast and slow queues.
    2. The consequence of this is that there is only one process handling tasks per container and so a slow task such as a snapshot of a large Baserow database might delay a fast queue task like sending a real-time row updated signal to all users looking at a table.
    3. However, if you have enough other containers, the overall pool of async task workers will be more than enough to deal with a mix of slow and fast tasks.

8) Deployment complete

You should now have a fully running Baserow cluster. The first user to sign-up becomes the first “staff” instance-wide admin user. This user can then configure Baserow’s in-tool settings, active enterprise licenses, promote other users to being staff etc.

Option 2) Deploying Baserow as separate services to Fargate/ECS

The baserow/backend:1.28.0 and baserow/web-frontend:1.28.0 images allow you to run Baserow’s various services as separate containers.

These images are used by the community Helm chart, our various docker-compose.yml example setups and are best for production environments where you want full control and flexibility managing Baserow.

Why choose this method


  • Each service can be scaled individually giving you fine-grained control.
  • Follows the more traditional one server per container model.
  • Logging and debugging per service issues is easier.
  • The containers are individually simpler have less moving parts.


  • More complex to set up and maintain as a whole.
  • More involved ALB and networking configuration is required to ensure the correct requests get sent to the correct service.

Installation steps

Follow steps 1, 2 and 3 from the Option 1 guide above as we need the exact same S3 bucket, RDS and Redis setup first.

4) Configuring an ALB and Target groups

First you will need to make 3 separate target groups with a target type of IP:

  1. backend-asgi on port 8000/HTTP with a health check using URL /api/_health/ for our websocket service.
  2. backend-wsgi on port 8000/HTTP with a health check using URL /api/_health/ for our backend API service.
  3. web-frontend on port 3000/HTTP with a health check using URL /_health/ for our frontend service.

The trailing slash on the health check endpoints is required!

Now make the ALB with a HTTP port 80 listener routing to the web-frontend group. Then once it is made go to this listener and configure it with three different rules routing to each of the separate groups.

  1. The default rule to catch all other requests which forwards to the web-frontend group.
  2. A path condition of /ws/* which forwards to the backend-asgi group.
  3. A path condition of /api/* which forwards to the backend-wsgi group.

Later on the Baserow web-frontend service will need to be able to communicate with the backend-wsgi service through a load balancer. You can use this same load balancer to both balance external requests and these inter service requests if you want, however make sure you’ve appropriately setup the security groups to allow communication between the ECS tasks and ALB.

5) Deploying Baserow’s individual services

Let’s now deploy each of Baserow’s individual services to Fargate/ECS. Make a new cluster for Baserow and then proceed to make the following task definitions.

If you are familiar with K8S then this sample config gives an overview of the services.

Alternatively this docker-compose

can also be used as reference

6) The backend WSGI service

This service is our HTTP REST API service. When creating the task definition you should:

  1. In the task defintion use the baserow/backend:1.28.0 image
  2. Under docker configuration set gunicorn-wsgi,--timeout,60 as the Command.

We recommend setting the timeout of each HTTP API request to 60 seconds in the command above as the default of 30 seconds can be too short for very large Baserow tables.

  1. We recommend 2vCPUs and 4 GB of RAM per container to start with.
  2. Map the container port 8000/TCP with HTTP App protocol.
  3. Mark the container as essential.
  4. Set the following environment variables and keep note of these as you’ll need to set the same variables again later on the other task definitions. Using an environment file to share these is also a good idea.
Env variable Description
BASEROW_PUBLIC_URL The public URL or IP that will be used to access baserow in your user’s browser. Always should start with http:// https:// even if accessing via an IP address.
DATABASE_HOST The hostname of the Postgres database Baserow will use to store its data in.
DATABASE_USER The username of the database user Baserow will use to connect to the database at DATABASE_HOST.
DATABASE_PORT The port Baserow will use when trying to connect to the Postgres database at DATABASE_HOST.
DATABASE_NAME The database name Baserow will use to store data.
DATABASE_PASSWORD The password of DATABASE_USER on the Postgres server at DATABASE_HOST. Alternatively, you can provide DATABASE_PASSWORD_FILE and set it to the file path of a secret injected into the container’s file system.
REDIS_URL A standard Redis connection string in the format of: redis://[redisuser]:[password]@[redishost]:[redisport]/0?ssl_cert_reqs=required.
AWS_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME Your AWS storage bucket name.
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID The access key for your S3 IAM AWS account. When set to anything other than empty will switch Baserow to use a S3 compatible bucket for storing user file uploads.
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY The access secret key for your S3 IAM AWS account. AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY_FILE can similarly be provided instead.
BASEROW_EXTRA_ALLOWED_HOSTS An optional comma-separated list of hostnames which will be added to Baserow’s Django backend ALLOWED_HOSTS setting. Add your ALB IP address here so the health checks it sends are allowed through, or alternatively configure the less secure value * to get things running and restrict hosts later once everything is working.
BASEROW_JWT_SIGNING_KEY Must be set so all the containers share the same signing key. The signing key is used to sign the content of generated tokens. For HMAC signing, this should be a random string with at least as many bits of data as is required by the signing protocol. See here for more details. BASEROW_JWT_SIGNING_KEY_FILE is also supported.
SECRET_KEY Must be set so all the containers share the same secret key. The Secret key used by Django for cryptographic signing such as generating secure password reset links and managing sessions. See here for more details. SECRET_KEY_FILE is also supported.
EMAIL_SMTP_* There are a number of SMTP related environment variables documented in our environment variable guide here which will also need to be set so Baserow can send invitation and password reset emails.

7) The backend ASGI service

It is possible to just use the ASGI service and not make a separate ASGI and WSGI service and then route all HTTP and Websocket requests to the single ASGI service. However, the ASGI service has degraded performance handling normal HTTP requests compared to the service in WSGI mode above. Also being able to scale them separately is nice as often only a few ASGI services are needed to handle the websocket load.

This service is our Websocket API service and when configuring the task definition you should:

  1. Use the baserow/backend:1.28.0
  2. Under docker configuration set gunicorn as the Command.
  3. We recommend 2vCPUs and 4 GB of RAM per container to start with.
  4. Map the container port 8000/TCP
  5. Mark the container as essential.
  6. Set the same environment variables as you did with the backend-wsgi service above.

8) The backend celery worker service

This service is our asynchronous high priority task worker queue used for realtime collaboration and sending emails.

  1. Use the baserow/backend:1.28.0 image with celery-worker as the image command.
  2. Under docker configuration set celery-worker as the Command.
  3. No port mappings needed.
  4. We recommend 2vCPUs and 4 GB of RAM per container to start with.
  5. Mark the container as essential.
  6. Set same environment variables as you did with the backend-wsgi service above.

9) The backend celery export worker service

This service is our asynchronous slow/low priority task worker queue for batch processes and running potentially slow operations for users like table exports and imports etc.

  1. Use the baserow/backend:1.28.0 image.
  2. Under docker configuration set celery-exportworker as the Command.
  3. No port mappings needed.
  4. We recommend 2vCPUs and 4 GB of RAM per container to start with.
  5. Mark the container as essential.
  6. Set same environment variables as you did with the backend-wsgi service above.

10) The backend celery beat service

This service is our CRON task scheduler that can have multiple replicas deployed.

  1. Use the baserow/backend:1.28.0 image.
  2. Under docker configuration set celery-beat as the Command.
  3. No port mapping needed.
  4. We recommend 1vCPUs and 3 GB of RAM per container to start with.
    1. Only one of these containers will be scheduling tasks globally at any time.
    2. Any duplicate containers running will hot standbys to take over scheduling if/when the first one fails and releases the scheduling Redis lock.
  5. Mark the container as essential.
  6. Set same environment variables as you did with the backend-wsgi service above.

11) The web-frontend service

Finally, this service is used for server side rendering and serving the frontend of Baserow.

  1. Use the baserow/web-frontend:1.28.0 image with no arguments needed.
  2. Map the container port 3000
  3. We recommend 2vCPUs and 4 GB of RAM per container to start with.
  4. Mark the container as essential.
  5. Set the following different from the backend services environment variables
  • BASEROW_PUBLIC_URL: The public URL or IP that will be used to access baserow in your user’s browser. Always should start with http:// https:// even if accessing via an IP address.
  • PRIVATE_BACKEND_URL: The web-frontend containers need to be able to send HTTP requests to the backend-wsgi containers running the rest API.
    • We recommend setting this to your ALB’s address and it must start with http:// or https://.
    • Ensure the security groups are set up correctly to allow these internal HTTP requests.
    • If you’ve not set BASEROW_EXTRA_ALLOWED_HOSTS=* on the backend-wsgi and backend-asgi containers make sure to add the value you’ve set for this env var to BASEROW_EXTRA_ALLOWED_HOSTS for those services otherwise they will not allow connections from the web-frontend.
  • DOWNLOAD_FILE_VIA_XHR: Must be set to 1 to work with AWS S3 currently to force download links to download files via XHR query to bypass Content-Disposition: inline . If your files are stored under another origin, you also must add CORS headers to your S3 bucket.

13) Create the ECS services

Now make sure to go back and create the ECS services for the
task definitions you just made. Remember to set 900 second grace periods in the health check when connecting things up.

Alternatively you can make a single ECS service for all of Baserow’s tasks, however you will then need to use the API/CLI to connect multiple target groups to this single ECS service as this is not possible via the AWS UI currently. You might also need to ensure that backend-asgi and backend-wsgi are exposed on different ports for the target groups to route properly to each individually. Set the BASEROW_BACKEND_PORT env var on both of these services to different values to get them binding to different ports inside the container.

  1. backend-wsgi service connected to the backend-wsgi target group
  2. backend-asgi service connected to the backend-asgi target group
  3. web-frontend service connected to the web-frontend target group
  4. celery-worker service
  5. celery-exportworker service
  6. celery-beat service

12) Scaling Options

Most of the time scaling up your backend-wsgi tasks and RDS postgres will be your first port of call for handling more requests. If your realtime collaboration is slowing down you can scale up the backend-asgi and celery-worker services. Finally, if you are having to wait a long time for jobs to start (they will have progress bars in the Baserow UI stuck at 0%) then you can add more celery-exportworker services.

There are also the following env vars that can change the number of worker processes launched inside each container to vertically scale each one:

  1. BASEROW_AMOUNT_OF_GUNICORN_WORKERS controls the number of REST API workers ( the things that do most of the API work) per gunicorn-wsgi or gunicorn container. Defaults to 3. Each extra worker generally takes up around 100-200 MB of RAM.
  2. BASEROW_AMOUNT_OF_WORKERS controls the number of background task celery runners, in the celery-worker and celery-exportworker containers.

13) Deployment complete

You should now have a fully running Baserow cluster. This deployment method is more complex to get working so if you need any help please post in our community forums.

The first user to sign-up becomes the first “staff” instance-wide admin user. This user can then configure Baserow’s in-tool settings, active enterprise licenses, promote other users to being staff etc.

Upgrading Baserow

Upgrading an ECS/Fargate deployment of Baserow can be done by.

  1. Back up/snapshot your RDS Postgres database
  2. Stop all existing containers running the old version first to prevent users from getting errors whilst accessing old containers during the upgrade.
  3. Update your task definitions to have the new image.
  4. The first new baserow/baserow or baserow/backend-wsgi/asgi container to startup will automatically apply any required database migrations and upgrades.
  5. Once these are complete, all the new Baserow containers will start accepting requests and your upgrade is complete.


Fixing the CROSSSLOT Keys in request don't hash to the same slot error

If you see this error in your logs it means you have launched Baserow with a Redis which is in cluster mode. Baserow uses libraries that do not support Redis in cluster mode, so you will need to provision a new Redis in the non-cluster mode for things to work. Non-cluster mode Redis can still be scaled and multi-zone, additionally Baserow does not generally end up with Redis as the bottleneck for requests.

My ELB Health checks are failing

The first-time migration after a first time deploy or upgrade might take some time so you might want to try increasing the grace period.

Secondly, Make sure the ELB can connect to the container. Please note that the container has its internal health check script which will be also calling the health check endpoint. So the presence of logs showing health check 200 responses doesn’t mean your ELB is the one triggering those.

I get CORS errors when downloading a file from a Baserow file field

Your CORS was not set up properly on the S3 bucket. Please see the example CORS config above or contact us for support.

I get Secure Redis scheme specified (rediss) with no ssl options, defaulting to insecure SSL behavior warnings

Make sure you have added ?ssl_cert_reqs=required onto the end of your REDIS_URL env var.