Baserow 0.2: Now open source under the MIT license

We’re excited to share that Baserow is now publicly available as open-source software under the MIT license! We’ve spent recent weeks getting ready for this release by creating detailed documentation, fixing bugs, improving code, making a plugin template, and sorting out all necessary details. Please remember that the software is still in its early alpha stage.

Baserow repository


Our official repository will be on GitLab, chosen because of our extensive experience with it. GitLab has been very useful for our previous private projects, providing services like continuous integration pipelines, a container registry, issue tracker, and many other integrated features. We’ll also keep a mirror repository on GitHub.

Developer documentation

The delay in our open-source release was mainly due to the lack of developer documentation. This important part is now finished and added to the repository, with a copy available on the Baserow website. It offers lots of information on various topics relevant to developers, from backend API to plugin development.

Baserow developer docs

API documentation

The backend and web-frontend talk via a REST API, which can also be used by third parties. To make this easier, we’ve created an OpenAPI schema. You can see the Redoc or download the JSON schema using the buttons below.

Baserow Redoc Baserow OpenAPI schema

Baserow’s modular design allows for the making of plugins, enabling custom fields, views, applications, pages, endpoints, and more. To make this easier, we’ve made a cookie-cutter plugin template. It provides a basic setup for a plugin, including a Docker development environment, allowing you to start developing within minutes.

Plugin boilerplate docs

Additional changes

We’ve also made the following small changes:

  • Refactored the SCSS classes into BEM.
  • Changed the fields created when setting up a new account or table.
  • Fixed a date picker bug that caused it to close upon clicking on the input.
  • Added a machine-readable error in the response of the 404 errors.