Discover the new features in Baserow 1.21! Row history, advanced filtering, modal edits, ambassador program, and more to elevate your database experience.
Baserow version 1.20 comes with email notifications, workspace level audit log, search for calendar view, new shortcuts, context menu improvements, and more.
Baserow 1.19 brings mentions, a notification system, ability to edit and delete comments, improved search speed, AWS deployment, sorting by lookup, and more.
Baserow 1.18: Count field, Rollup field, 30-day free trial of Advanced plan, improved pasting capabilities, and more! Here’s everything that’s new.
Baserow 1.17: Faster table navigation, huge performance improvements, and exciting new features in Calendar View. Learn more now!
Baserow 1.16: Calendar View, Groups are now Workspaces, and more. Visualize information based on dates, track events, deadlines, and schedules. Get the details!
Baserow 1.15 introduces personal views, today() and now() formula functions, timezone support, and more. Check out what's new and improved in Baserow!
Baserow 1.14: Audit log and role-based access control (RBAC). Track actions, filter results, assign roles to users or teams, and control access permissions.
Baserow 1.13: Role-based access control (RBAC) and single sign-on (SSO). Enhance data protection and privacy with advanced user management. Learn more here!
Baserow 1.12: Survey mode in forms, multiple collaborators, duplicate fields with or without data, and more. Get the full release notes here!