Baserow is a platform that lets you organize information in a way that works for you.
There are many ways you can use Baserow for your workflow. Imagine you need to manage a project, track inventory, or organize customer information. Baserow’s database features allow you to create a central hub for this kind of data, making it easy to store, organize, and access it.
In this tutorial, we’ll create a real-time notification system using Baserow webhooks. Webhooks allow us to automate workflows by sending real-time data to another app when certain events occur.
Here’s why this is useful: Let’s say you have an automated process that needs to notify you about a completed task or an error. This workflow will send those updates from Baserow directly.
Before we start, ensure you have the following:
Let’s get started with setting up our Baserow database! If you’re new to Baserow, head over to and sign up for an account.
Populate the table with some sample data. This will help us test the webhook later.
Let’s create a webhook endpoint.
We’ll use Zapier in this example, but there are other webhook services available as well.
Go to Zapier and log in. If you don’t have one, you’ll need to create a free account. Make a Zap to begin creating a new automated workflow.
We want our workflow to be triggered by a webhook, so select “Webhooks by Zapier” as the app that will start the process.
Within Zapier’s webhooks, there are different ways to be triggered. We’ll choose “Catch Hook” for this tutorial.
Zapier will provide a unique webhook URL. Copy this URL, since we’ll need it for the next step.
This is where we tell Baserow what to do. We’ll set up a webhook that sends notifications whenever a new row is added to a Baserow table.
Let’s head over to our Baserow workspace and open the Tasks table we created earlier. Click on it, and then let’s create a new webhook.
There are different events that can trigger the webhook, but for now, let’s choose "Rows are created” so that the webhook triggers whenever a new row is added.
Make an HTTP POST request. Remember that webhook URL we copied earlier? Paste it into the URL field. The URL that you’re making the POST request to should be the same URL you generated in the previous step.
Click on Trigger test webhook.
Example payload:
"table_id": 1203,
"database_id": 262,
"workspace_id": 165,
"event_id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"event_type": "rows.created",
"items": [
"id": 0,
"order": "1.00000000000000000000",
"Task Name": "",
"Due Date": null,
"Status": null,
"text": ""
Here’s how we can set things up so you get updates about your Baserow data.
Head to your Tasks table in Baserow and create a row with some new information.
After setting up the webhook in Baserow, go back to Zapier and test the trigger to ensure it’s receiving data from Baserow.
Click on the “+” button to add an action step. Choose the app where you want to send the notification (e.g., Slack, Email, SMS). Set up the action by filling in the necessary details (e.g., recipient email, message text).
Open a specific Slack channel where you configured the webhook to send notifications. If everything is working correctly, you should see a notification pop up in that channel. This notification will reflect the changes you just made to the row in Baserow.
Test the action to ensure it’s working correctly.
Once everything is configured and tested, turn on the Zap in Zapier.
Add a new row to your Baserow table to trigger the webhook and verify that the notification is sent.
Baserow makes it easy to create a system that perfectly fits your needs. This setup can be extended to various use cases beyond just notifying about row creation. The flexibility and customization options available make it easy to tailor these integrations to meet your specific needs.
Here are some additional scenarios where Baserow webhook integrations can be beneficial:
These use cases demonstrate the versatility of Baserow webhooks beyond simple notifications, allowing robust automation and integration capabilities across various business processes to boost productivity and communication.
Congratulations! Following these steps, we have successfully set up an automation that sends notifications whenever a task is created in our Baserow database, without writing a single line of code.
This no-code solution helps keep the team informed and streamlines our project management process.
Feel free to explore more automations and customize them to fit your specific needs.
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