Baserow 1.5: Password validation, Heroku templates, and more

The list of changes for Baserow 1.5 is extensive. It includes improvements to password validation, Heroku templates, and bug fixes. For a complete overview, please refer to the full list at the bottom of this post. Additionally, we have worked on three significant features.

New field types: Created on and Last modified

You can now keep track of when a row was created or last modified with two new field types. The “Last Modified” field displays the date of the last update, while the “Created On” field shows the initial creation date of the row. Both fields can optionally include the time. Please note that these fields are read-only and cannot be directly edited. All expected date filters are available for these fields.\_july\_2021\_release\_screenshot\_created\_on\_field.png

Row comments (Premium plan)

In the upcoming premium version of Baserow, you will have access to the new premium row comments feature. This feature allows you and others in your workspace to leave comments on rows. Comments are instantly sent to everyone in your workspace, enabling real-time chat. To add a row comment, simply click the expand row button on the left-hand side of the row. This will reveal the row comments sidebar where you can view existing comments and add your own.\_july\_2021\_release\_screenshot\_row\_comments.png

Based on popular demand, we have introduced two new filters for link to table fields. You can now check if a link to table field has or has not a relationship. Simply create the filter, choose a related row, and only rows with the selected relationship will be displayed.

One-click deploy to Heroku

Self-hosting Baserow has become even easier with our new Heroku template. You can now install Baserow with just one click by using the “One-click deploy to Heroku” button. For more information and to access the button, please visit our documentation.

All changes

For a complete list of all changes in version 1.5, see here:

  • Row comments premium
  • Created on field type
  • Last modified field type
  • Made it possible to leave a workspace
  • The automatically generated API docs now live on /api-docs instead of /api/docs
  • We removed the possibility to store user tables in a separate PostgreSQL database
  • Fixed a bug where the selected drop down item was out of the view port when using the navigation keys
  • A link to table contains filter
  • Made the form view compatible with importing and exporting via the export\_workspace\_applications and import\_workspace\_applications management commands
  • Pressing the F2 key does not clear the cell if selected
  • Added password validation to the password reset page
  • Added backup and restore entire database management commands
  • Relaxed the URL field validator and made it consistent across the backend and web-frontend
  • Added steps on how to configure Baserow to send emails in the install-on-ubuntu guide
  • Enabled password validation of the backend
  • Fixed exposing Redis when using Docker Compose
  • Heroku One Click To Deploy template
  • Fixed bug preventing the deletion of rows with a blank single select primary field
  • Fixed error in trash cleanup job when deleting multiple rows and a field from the same table at once
  • Improved templates:
  • New templates:

Warning: Unsecured Redis with Docker Compose

Please note that from version 0.8.0 to 1.4.1 of Baserow, the default docker-compose.yml file included in the repository exposed an unsecured Redis instance on the IP:Port If you have been running a server accessible via the internet using this docker-compose.yml file, it is possible that the Redis server has been exposed to the internet depending on your operating system, networking setup, and firewall settings.

To address this issue, we recommend updating to the latest version of Baserow, 1.4.2. This version no longer exposes the Redis, DB, and MJML containers. Additionally, in version 1.4.2, only the backend, web-frontend, and media containers are exposed on localhost and not on If you were previously relying on the docker-compose.yml file to publicly expose Baserow, please follow the instructions in the “Make Baserow publicly accessible” section of our Docker installation guide.