Baserow 1.7: Kanban view, lookup field, webhooks, and more

This release is huge! We’ve listened to your requests and are thrilled to announce the addition of two highly anticipated features: the lookup field and webhooks. With the lookup field, you can easily add fields from other tables, combining all the relevant information into one useful table. And with webhooks, you’ll receive HTTP notifications whenever a row is created, updated, or deleted.

But that’s not all! We’ve also introduced the Kanban view to help you organize and plan more effectively. Plus, we’ve made various bug fixes, added new templates, and made other small changes to enhance your experience.

Lookup field

The lookup field allows you to select a field from another table and display its values in a single, comprehensive table. To use this feature, simply create a new field, choose the lookup option, select a link row field to search through, and specify the target field to retrieve values from. Your lookup field will then contain the formatted values from the linked rows. You can even reference lookup fields directly in formulas and use filter and aggregate functions to further manipulate the data.\_november\_2021\_lookup\_field.png


Stay informed about changes in your data with webhooks. Whenever a row is created, updated, or deleted, you’ll receive notifications via webhooks. To set up webhooks, click on the three dots next to the table or view, select “webhooks,” and configure the HTTP method, URL, trigger events, and additional headers. You can even test the webhook before saving it and view the call log for debugging purposes.

Kanban view

Improve your organization and planning with the new Kanban view! Easily categorize your workspace rows using a single select field. Drag and drop cards into different stacks and customize the displayed fields. To create a Kanban view, click on the view icon in the top left corner and then click on the create button.\_november\_2021\_kanban\_view.png

Premium version

We’ve been working diligently on our premium version, and this release introduces a licensing system that grants early access to premium features for both the hosted and self-hosted versions. Currently, the following premium features are available:

  • Admin dashboard and user management (self hosted only)
  • Kanban view
  • Row comments
  • Additional exporter formats (JSON and XML)

As a token of our appreciation, we’re offering early access to our GitHub sponsors! If you’re already a sponsor, we’ll be reaching out to you shortly. If you’re not a sponsor but want to gain access to the early premium version, become a sponsor here. Your support is greatly appreciated!

New formula functions: rollup, aggregate, lookup, and filter

Baserow’s formula language has undergone significant improvements, making it an industry-leading tool for powerful, fast, and easy calculations. Here are some highlights:

  • Formulas can now reference Link row, Lookup and Single select option fields.
  • The new lookup and filter functions let you lookup other tables values directly inside of formulas and filter them down.
  • The new aggregate functions (sum,avg,join,every,any,stddev_pop and more!) summarize lists of values from lookups and link row fields.
  • Finally all of the new and existing formula features can be mixed and matched together in intuitive ways. Here are some examples:
    • ’Username = ’ + lower(field(’name lookup’))
    • sum(filter(field(’numbers’) / 100, field(’numbers’) < 100))
    • filter(lookup(’customers’, ’name’), lookup(’customers’, ’age’) > 18)
    • any(field(’customers’, ’name’) = field(’clients’, ’name’))

All changes

All the changes of version 1.7 listed.

  • Lookup field
  • Table webhooks
  • Kanban view (premium)
  • Made it possible to change your name
  • Licensing system for the premium version
  • Rollup / Aggregate / Filtering Formula Functions
  • Improved row performance by adding indexes
  • Fixed error when converting a date field to a boolean field
  • Fixed error when converting a multiple select field to a text field in the row edit modal
  • Fixed bug where it was possible to create duplicate trash entries
  • Fixed bug where the opening a table without any views
  • Tables can now be opened in new tabs
  • New templates: