How to automate task management with dynamic Baserow formulas

Banner image showing how to automate task management with dynamic Baserow formulas

Task management can be overwhelming, especially when you’re juggling multiple priorities. However, with the right tools and strategies, you can streamline this process and boost productivity.

Baserow offers a powerful feature: formulas.

What we’ll do

In this tutorial, we’ll dive into how to leverage Baserow formulas to automatically assign priority levels based on the assignees, streamlining your workflow and optimizing productivity. We’ll cover the following steps:


To complete this tutorial, you’ll need the following:

Automate task management using formulas

In this tutorial, we’ll demonstrate how to automatically assign priority levels to tasks. However, you can apply the same principles to other use cases. You can assign statuses based on other criteria such as budget, team, approval status, and more.

For example, to assign tasks based on budget, create a formula that calculates the cost of each task and assigns it to a particular team or individual based on predefined budget thresholds. Also, for tasks requiring approval, create a formula that considers the approval status of each task and automatically assigns it to the appropriate stakeholder.

Let’s dive in!

1. Set up your Baserow database

Log in to your existing Baserow account or create a new account if you don’t have one already.

Once you log in, you can access the dashboard to add workspaces and databases. You can work with an existing workspace, database, or table, or set up a new workspace from scratch.

In this tutorial, we will set up a new workspace and create a database from scratch.

  1. To create a new workspace, simply click on the + Create workspace button. Then, click on Add workspace.

    If you’re just starting with Baserow, we recommend you read our article on how to create a workspace and how to add collaborators to a workspace.

  2. Now that the workspace is set up, you can either create a database from scratch or choose a template from our template library. Let’s add a database to the workspace.

  3. Click on the + Create new button to start creating a new database.

  4. Select the “Database” option to create a database from scratch.

  5. Next, add a new table or click on a table within the existing database to open it. A default table will be added to the newly created database.

That’s it! we’ve successfully created a new database. Now we can populate, manage, and organize data in Baserow.

2. Create a table in Baserow

Let’s create a new table within the database to store tasks. Give the table a name, such as “Tasks.”

Within this table, define the necessary fields such as “Task Name,” “Priority Level,” “Assigned To,” and any other relevant fields.

Create a task table

Next, let’s assign individuals to these tasks.

Create a new field in the Tasks table called “Assignee” and set it as a link to table field. Populate this field with the appropriate assignee for each task.

You can skip this step if you want to assign priority level based on an existing field, for example Task Name or Project.

Identify assignees using a link to table field

4. Define priority levels dynamically with formulas

Now let’s use Baserow formulas to calculate the optimal level for each task based on the assignees.

Add a new field to the table and select Formula as the field type. Give the formula field a descriptive name, such as “Priority Level.”

In the formula editor, we’ll write a formula that evaluates the appropriate team member or individual and assigns a priority level to each task.

These could range from low to high with labels such as “Low,” “Medium,” and “High.” Or, you may prefer to use numerical values for each level for easy computation (e.g., High = 3, Medium = 2, Low = 1).

if(field('Assignee') = "Jane Mary", 
   if(field('Assignee') = "Olivia Wilson", 
      if(field('Assignee') = "Nathan Rigby", 

In this formula, we use nested if statements to check the assignee of each task. Depending on the individual, we define the task priority level.

Let’s break down the formula:

  • The formula starts with an if statement, which checks the value of the “Assignee” field for each task.
  • If the assignee is “Jane Mary”, the formula defines the priority as “Urgent”.
  • If the assignee is “Olivia Wilson”, the formula defines the priority as “High”.
  • If the assignee is “Nathan Rigby”, the formula defines the priority as “Medium”.
  • If the assignee doesn’t match any of the predefined values (“Jane Mary”, “Olivia Wilson”, “Nathan Rigby”), the formula defines the priority as “Low”.

Here’s an example of how this formula might be used:

Assignee Priority Level
Jane Mary Urgent
Olivia Wilson High
Nathan Rigby Medium
Maria Sullivan Low

Test and refine the formula

5. Test and refine the formula

Once you’ve written the formula, it’s time to test it out.

Populate your table with sample tasks with varying individuals and observe how the formula sets different priority levels.

Take note of any discrepancies or issues and refine the formula as needed. You can implement automation for task updates and notifications to streamline your task management process further.


By following this tutorial, you’ve learned how to automate priority levels based on task assignments using Baserow formulas. This functionality allows you to streamline your project management process and increase efficiency.

Now you can start implementing this solution in your Baserow workspace.

Other useful resources

The following articles may also be helpful:

In case you’ve run into an issue while following this tutorial, feel free to reach out to ask for help in the Baserow community.