Baserow 1.28: timeline view, data sync, row height options, new webhook types and more

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Another month brings another set of exciting features! Baserow 1.28 introduces two highly important additions: Timeline View and data sync. For our first two integrations in data sync, we’re starting with iCal feed and a Baserow table. And that’s not all that’s new—let’s dive into the details:

Timeline View

screenshot timeline view

Timeline View is a new view type that lets you track your data over time using a linear, scrollable timeline. This view is perfect for roadmaps, planning, and resource management, as it visually presents timelines and deadlines for your ongoing projects.

To add a Timeline View, open the table where you want to include it. Click the existing view at the top of the table. From the view menu options, select “Timeline +” in the new view creation list. Then, choose the following:

  • Start date: Select a date field to use as the start date for your timeline view
  • End date: Select a date field to use as the end date for your timeline view

You can customize your Timeline View by adjusting labels, adding filters, sorting, and applying colors.

Data sync

screenshot data sync

Data sync is a new feature that makes it easy to maintain a single source of truth across teams. It allows you to update data automatically, so you don’t need to make manual updates in multiple places. This ensures everyone has access to the latest information and keeps all your systems in sync.

The first version of data sync offers two integrations: iCal feed and Baserow table.

Creating a synced table with iCal feed lets you bring calendar information from different sources into Baserow. This saves time by reducing the need to switch between tools, manually update information, or search for the latest schedules.

Synced Baserow tables make your work easier by automatically updating data between workspaces. You don’t need to manually update information anymore. When you need the latest data, you can update the synced table. This ensures everyone on your team always has access to the most up-to-date information.

To sync an iCal feed or Baserow table:

  1. In your database sidebar, click + Create table.
  2. Select “Sync iCal feed” or “Sync Baserow table” from the options.
  3. Name your table and enter the iCal URL or choose the workspace, database, and table for synchronization.
  4. Click “Next”.
  5. Choose the fields you want to sync.
  6. Click “Create and sync table”.

To update either integration later, click the synced table options and select “Sync table”. This will automatically pull updates from the connected resource within seconds.

Note: Synced information is currently read-only, but you can add new fields to synced tables.

Configurable row height

screenshot configurable row height

The configurable row height feature allows users to adjust the height of rows in the Grid View. This improves readability for rows with multi-line text or long content. Row height now offers three options:

  • Small (default)
  • Medium
  • Large

To change the row height, click on the “Height” tab in the top footer and select your desired size.

New webhook types

screenshot webhook types

We’ve expanded our webhook capabilities with new types and enhanced functionality:

  • View created, updated, and deleted webhooks: Stay informed about changes to your views in real-time.
  • Filter created, updated, and deleted webhooks: Receive notifications when the view changes.
  • Conditional row update webhooks: Trigger notifications only when specific field cell values change, allowing for more precise and relevant updates.

To create a new webhook: Click on the ••• beside the required view or table, select “Webhooks”, and choose which events should trigger the webhook.

Record selector element

screenshot record selector

The Record selector is a new Application Builder element that enhances how you can link and select related rows from other tables. This element is useful when you want to select any of the thousands of rows from a related table to populate a link row field.

To add a related Row Selector, access the elements panel and select “Record selector”.

Job cancellation for snapshots

screenshot job cancellation

Job cancellation for snapshots is a new feature that allows users to cancel ongoing snapshot jobs. This enhancement offers greater control over the snapshot process, particularly for large databases where creating snapshots might be time-consuming.

To create a snapshot, click the database menu icon, select “Snapshot” from the dropdown menu, and choose your desired action.

Other new features and updates

  • Filters for the calendar view
  • Enhanced nesting capabilities for column, form, and repeat elements
  • Improvements to the Application Builder backend security

Company news

Data modeling 101

If you missed our webinar on data modeling and want to learn best practices for:

  • Determining what data should be tables, fields, and rows
  • Creating and understanding relationships between tables
  • Choosing optimal data types

The video is now available on our YouTube channel. Don’t miss it!

Watch the webinar!

Baserow offline meetup in Paris

Baserow meetup Paris 2024

Are you based in Paris or attending the No-code Summit 2024 there?

Keep October 15 free—Baserow is hosting a meet-and-greet to finally connect with our community in person!

Register now!

Community video tutorials

  • See the database magic: Baserow-n8n integration tutorial (no coding required!).
  • Learn how to convert and style Markdown! (Airtable, Baserow, any MD!).
  • Check out the Baserow directory (with filters and sitemap!) in the Webstudio.
  • See how to create connections in Baserow and enhance your data with table relationships.
  • [Portuguese] Check out the FlutterFlow API Integration: listing Baserow data.

What’s next

The next big features on the roadmap include more integrations for data sync, an analytics dashboard, advanced permissions for Application Builder, and other features suggested by the community.

If you have any questions about the new updates, please leave them in our official community forum. We’re happy to answer them!