Baserow 1.3: CSV exports, date filters, and new drag and drop functionalities

Baserow 1.3 contains lots of useful changes. It’s now possible to export tables and views to CSV format. The exporter can handle lots of data without any problem. Importing is also becoming more mature with every release, because we now also support JSON files.

Ordering rows and fields was already possible, but from now on you can also order your workspaces, databases, tables, and views via drag and drop. We’ve also introduced three new date filters for filtering: “Today,” “This month,” and “This year.” As always, there are also a couple of bug fixes, and we’ve created new templates.

Export to CSV

Exporting data functionality scored very high on the survey at the beginning of this year. You can now easily export all your table or view data to CSV format. Click on the three dots next to a table or view and click on “Export table” or “Export view.” This will open a modal where you can choose how you’d like to export. Clicking on the “Export” button at the bottom will generate the file and then offer the file as a download.\_may\_release\_2021\_export\_screenshot.png

Drag and drop ordering

When using Baserow, you’ve probably encountered the problem where you wanted to move a database, table, or view to another position. We’ve received this feedback a lot, and we listened. It’s now possible to order your workspaces, databases, tables, and views by dragging and dropping. Simply drag them to the desired position by pressing the mouse button on the item and releasing it in the right position.\_may\_release\_2021\_ordering.gif

All changes

Version 1.3 brings:

  • Exporting to CSV
  • Ordering by drag and drop for:
    • Workspaces
    • Applications / Databases
    • Tables
    • Views
  • Importing of JSON files when creating a new table
  • Today, this month and this year date filters
  • URL field can now have unlimited characters
  • Fixed bug where the view sometimes stays selected after deleting it
  • Fixed bug where the focus of editing the name of a workspace, application, table or view was sometimes incorrect.
  • Admin workspace management premium
  • Admin dashboard premium
  • Exporting to JSON and XML premium
  • Templates

Want to upgrade to the latest version?

If you’ve installed Baserow via Cloudron, then you can follow the steps described at the bottom of the Cloudron installation guide.

If you have installed Baserow manually on Ubuntu, then you need to add the following to your /etc/supervisor/conf.d/baserow-backend.conf file.

command=/baserow/backend/env/bin/celery -A baserow worker -l INFO -Q export

command=/baserow/backend/env/bin/celery -A baserow beat -l INFO -S redbeat.RedBeatScheduler

After that, you can follow the instructions described at the bottom of the Ubuntu installation guide.