Baserow 1.11: Duplicating, snapshots, form conditions, and more

What’s new in Baserow 1.11

The vacation season is here, but we’re not taking a break! Over the past two weeks, we’ve been hard at work implementing new features and improvements in Baserow. In this release, we’re excited to introduce additional importing, snapshots, form conditions, duplication, and more. As we continue to sprint towards our next milestones, let’s dive into all the updates!

What’s new and improved in Baserow:

Additional importing

You can now import additional data into existing tables in Baserow. Whether it’s an existing CSV file, a JSON file, or simply pasting table data, you can easily import it. The imported rows will be automatically mapped to the correct fields based on their names. If needed, you can manually change the mapping by selecting the desired target field. This allows you to merge fields and customize the logic of the import. Any incompatible cells will remain empty after the import.

Duplicate databases, tables, and fields

We’re thrilled to announce that you can now duplicate databases, tables, and fields in Baserow. To duplicate a database, simply hover over the table, click on the three dots, and select the “Duplicate Database” option from the dropdown menu. For duplicating a table, follow the same steps and choose the “Duplicate Table” option. To duplicate a field, click on the arrow next to the field name and select “Duplicate Field” from the dropdown menu.

Take snapshots and restore to previous versions

Snapshots allow you to create a full copy of a database, enabling you to restore it to a specific point in time later on. To take a snapshot, simply click on a database and select the “Snapshot” option from the dropdown menu. By using snapshots, you can easily create backups and protect yourself against accidental data loss.

Form conditions

Form conditions give you control over what happens when specific data is entered in a field. You can use conditional logic to show or hide form fields based on certain criteria. This allows you to create dynamic forms that adapt to user input. Form conditions work similarly to Baserow filters.

In addition to Grid view, you can now publicly share a Gallery view as well.

Ask Me Anything

Save the date! On August 11th, we will be hosting our first community event: AMA (Ask Me Anything). Join us for a live Q&A session with our founders Bram Wiepjes and Olivier Maes.

They will answer your questions about product strategy, new subscription plans, feature requests, integrations, customer support, onboarding services, SLAs, and investment priorities.

Register for our first Ask Me Anything session and submit your questions in advance. We’ll start the event by addressing them.

Template updates

We’ve made significant improvements to existing templates and added new ones to our library. Check out the Templates page for the latest updates on new fields, views, tables, and structures.

New templates

All changes including the bug fixes!

  • Added configs and docs for VSCode setup.
  • Added a new in this week filter.
  • Allowed users to use row id in the form redirect URL.
  • Added a new is months ago filter.
  • Added a new is years ago filter.
  • Conditionally show form fields.
  • Show badge when the user has account level premium.
  • Added a new ClientUndoRedoActionWorkspaceId request header to bundle multiple actions in a single API call.
  • Applications can now be duplicated.
  • Added option to use view’s filters and sorting when listing rows.
  • Added public gallery view.
  • Fixed bug with 404 middleware returning different 404 error messages based on the endpoint.
  • Made it possible to import data into an existing table.
  • Tables can now be duplicated.
  • Introduced environment variable to disable Google docs file preview.
  • Made it possible to select the entire row via the row context menu.
  • Show modal when the users clicks on a deactivated premium features.
  • Replaced all custom alert code with Alert component.
  • Added ability to create and restore snapshots.
  • Disabled table import field type guessing and instead always import as text fields.
  • Upgraded the images provided in our example docker-compose files to be the latest and most secure.
  • Fixed the perm delete trash cleanup job failing for self linking tables.
  • Added better error handling to row count job.
  • Fixed changing field type to unsupported form view bug.
  • Ensured the latest error is always shown when clicking the formula refresh options link.
  • Fixed duplicating view with that depends on select options mapping.
  • Don’t allow invalid aggregate formulas from being created causing errors when inserting rows.
  • Fixed backspace and delete keys breaking after selecting a formula text cell.
  • Fixed problem when new webhooks would be sent twice with both old and new payload.
  • Fixed problem causing kanban view duplication to fail silently.
  • API endpoints undo and redo now returns a list of actions undone/redone instead of a single action.
  • Removed primary from all componentsand stores where it isn’t absolutely required.
  • Concurrent field updates will now respond with a 409 instead of blocking until the previous update finished, set the env var BASEROW_WAIT_INSTEAD_OF_409_CONFLICT_ERROR to revert to the old behaviour.
  • Webhooks row.created, row.updated and row.deleted are replaced with rows.created, rows.updated and rows.deleted, containing multiple changed rows at once. Already created webhooks will still be called, but the received body will contain only the first changed row instead of all rows. It is highly recommended to convert all webhooks to the new types.
  • Fixed not being able to paste multiple cells when a formula field of array or single select type was in an error state.
  • API endpoint /database/views/grid/${viewSlug}/public/info/ has been replaced by /database/views/${viewSlug}/public/info/ recommended converting all webhooks to the new types.

What’s next?

In Baserow 1.12, we have exciting plans to make self-hosting easier with Helm charts and introduce new features like survey-style forms and a new collaborator field type.

As always, we will continue to listen to the community’s feedback and work on fixing bugs and implementing requested features.

If you have any questions about the new updates or anything else, feel free to ask in our official community forum. We’re always here to help!