5 ways Baserow AI can help you dominate your industry

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With the rise of AI, businesses are leveraging its capabilities to drive growth and stay ahead in the competitive market.

One powerful feature that can give your business an edge is Baserow AI. Baserow AI fields and formulas can help streamline operations and enhance decision-making.

In this article, we’ll walk through several use cases demonstrating how to use Baserow AI to outperform your competition.

Learn how to generate formulas with AI and configure AI in Baserow.

Baserow AI formula and field type

Enhance customer insights

Knowing your customers better than your competitors gives you a huge advantage. Imagine being able to target your marketing campaigns to the exact type of customer who is most likely to buy your product. This can dramatically increase your sales and improve customer satisfaction. This is where Baserow formulas come in.

Here’s how Baserow formulas can help you gain powerful customer insights:

  1. Gather all your customer data: Create a central location for all your customer information. This table will include details like their purchase history, any feedback they’ve provided, and even basic demographics.

  2. Unlock hidden insights with formulas: Baserow formulas can reveal hidden patterns in your data. For example, you can create a formula to calculate a customer’s lifetime value (CLV), which tells you how much money they are likely to spend with your business over time. Another formula could show you how often a customer typically makes purchases.

    AI prompt examples:

    • “Calculate a customer’s lifetime value (CLV) by summing all their purchases and multiplying by their average purchase frequency.”
    • "Identify high-value customers by determining if their total spend exceeds a specific amount.”
    • "Calculate the average order value (AOV) for each customer by dividing their total spend by the number of orders.”
    • "Segment customers based on their total spend and purchase frequency to identify VIPs and regular customers.”
    • “Measure the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns by calculating the return on investment (ROI) for each campaign.”
  3. Turn data into action: Once you have these insights, you can use them to make smarter decisions. You can create a view in Baserow that filters and sorts your customers based on their calculated values or purchase frequency. This allows you to easily identify your most valuable customers and tailor your marketing efforts to reach them. You can also use this information to spot trends in your customer base, helping you adapt your business strategy for even greater success.

Find out more about writing prompts in this article: 10 tips for writing effective AI prompts

Baserow Lightweight CRM template

Streamline project management

Keeping your projects organized is key to finishing them on time and under budget. With Baserow AI, you can streamline project workflows, predict potential delays, stay on top of tasks, and ensure that nothing falls through the cracks.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Set up your project: Baserow lets you create a custom table for each project. You can add fields for project-related data, such as task names, due dates, project status, and who’s assigned to each task.

  2. Add AI field: Use the AI field to predict potential project delays or resource bottlenecks.

  3. Never miss a deadline: Using AI, you can automatically calculate project progress and resource utilization. This way, you can see which tasks need your attention the most.

    AI prompt examples:

    • "Create a formula to show the number of days left until the due date and apply conditional formatting to change text color based on urgency.”
    • "Create a formula to dynamically calculate and display due dates based on task creation date and priority level (high, medium, low).”
    • "Create a formula to categorize tasks as ‘Overdue’, ‘Due Today’, ‘Due Soon’, or ‘On Track’”
    • "Create a formula to alert if a task does not have a due date set.”
  4. Stay on top of things: With Baserow, you can set up notifications to be sent straight to your email. This means you’ll always know when someone mentions you in a comment, invites you to a workspace, or assigns you a new task.

Read this related post for additional context: How to use AI to generate formulas in Baserow

Baserow Project Management template

Optimize inventory management

Good inventory management means you’ll never be caught without what customers need, allowing you to fulfill their orders quickly and keep them happy. This can give you a big advantage over competitors and reduce carrying costs.

Here’s how Baserow can help:

  1. Set up Your inventory table: Create a table to track your inventory. This table can include things like the product name, how much you have in stock (quantity), a minimum level you need to have on hand (reorder level), and information about your suppliers.

  2. Add AI field: Use the AI field to predict stock levels and reorder points.

  3. Never miss a reorder: Create formula fields to calculate inventory turnover rates and other relevant metrics.

    AI prompt examples:

    • "Create a formula that flags items with stock levels below a certain threshold. The formula should return ‘Low Stock’ if the item quantity is below 10 and ‘In Stock’ otherwise.”
    • "Develop a formula that indicates ‘Low Stock’ for any product where the current inventory is less than 5% of the maximum stock level. Assume the maximum stock level is recorded in a field named ‘Max Stock’.”
    • "Write a formula that compares the current stock quantity of items to a predefined reorder level and flags items as ‘Low Stock’ if the quantity is below the reorder level. The reorder level is specified in a field named ‘Reorder Point’.”

Visit this article: How to enable and configure the AI field in Baserow

Baserow Car Dealership Inventory template

Enhance sales forecasting

Accurate sales forecasting helps in making informed business decisions and planning for the future. With Baserow AI, you can forecast sales more accurately than ever before based on your past performance and industry trends.

Here’s how Baserow can help to project future sales:

  1. Track your sales history: Create a table that keeps track of your past sales data and import your past sales data into Baserow.

  2. Add AI field: Create an AI field to project future sales based on the trends you see in your historical data.

    In Baserow, after adding an AI field, you would configure it with prompts, ensuring it processes the information.

    AI prompt example:

    • "Analyze the sales data and predict the sales for the next quarter, considering seasonal trends that might affect this product.”
  3. Create a formula field: Add a formula field to calculate percentage changes and other metrics.

Baserow Beverage Sales Management template

Financial forecasting

Financial forecasting helps you anticipate your future income and expenses with greater accuracy. Anticipating your future financial performance is important for maintaining financial stability and driving growth.

Baserow AI can help you forecast financial outcomes with greater precision, enabling you to make data-driven decisions confidently. This means you’ll have a clearer picture of your financial situation down the road.

  1. Financial data entry: Input your financial data, including revenue, expenses, and profits.

  2. Add AI field: Use the AI field to predict future financial performance.

    AI prompt examples:

    • “Forecast future revenue by analyzing sales data, market trends, and customer behavior. Identify patterns and make accurate predictions.”
    • “What are the various growth strategies, risk mitigation tactics, and investment opportunities to ensure resilience and sustainability?”
  3. Formula fields: Create formula fields to calculate profit margins, growth rates, and other key financial metrics.

    AI prompt examples:

    • “Calculate profit margins by subtracting total costs from total revenue, then dividing the result by total revenue to get the profit margin percentage.”

Baserow Personal Finance Manager template


Using smart tools can give your business a competitive edge. By incorporating Baserow’s AI fields and formulas into your workflow, you can automate tasks, gain valuable insights, and make data-driven decisions. This not only enhances efficiency but also gives you a competitive edge.

Other useful resources

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In case you’ve run into an issue while following this tutorial, feel free to reach out to ask for help in the Baserow community.