Baserow 1.9: Airtable import, footer aggregations, copy improvements, and more

Exciting things are happening at Baserow with the release of version 1.9! Our dedicated team of developers and open source contributors have been working hard to bring you some amazing new features.

Import your Airtable base’s automatically using the new migration tool. Aggregate and summarize your fields with the new footer aggregations at the bottom of the Grid view. Rapidly copy data out of your Baserow tables using multi cell select and copy. We also now provide official Docker images that make self-hosting even easier.

We’ve added footer aggregations to the Grid view, making it easier for you to aggregate and summarize your fields. Simply mouse over the blank footer row and click to see the available aggregations. Aggregations such as Empty, Filled, Percent Empty, Percent Filled, Unique, Sum, Average, Min, Max, Standard deviation, Median, Variance, Earliest date, Latest date, Checked, Unchecked, Percent checked and Percent unchecked are supported, with more coming soon.\_Shot\_2022-03-03\_at\_11.24.04.png

Copy multiple cells at once

Copying data from your Baserow tables is now faster and easier than ever before. Previously, you could only select and copy one cell at a time. Now, you can click and drag on the Grid view to select multiple cells, and then hit CMD/CTRL + C to copy them all at once. Please note that currently, you can only copy up to 200 rows at a time, and paste functionality is not yet supported. However, both of these features are planned for a future release.

Official Docker images for easier self-hosting

We’re excited to announce that we now provide official Docker images for Baserow! This makes self-hosting even simpler. You can find the official Docker images in a variety of flavors here. To get started, simply run the following command:

docker run -v baserow_data:/baserow/data -p 80:80 -p 443:443 baserow/baserow:1.9.1

For more information on how to use and configure these images, check out our updated documentation.

Please note that there have been some breaking changes to the docker-compose.yml file in the Baserow repository. You can find instructions on how to upgrade here.

Import your Airtable base with a few clicks (beta)

We’ve introduced a new migration tool that allows you to import your Airtable base directly into Baserow. Say goodbye to manual data transfer! Simply follow the instructions in the “Create new” button on the left sidebar, then click on “Database” and finally on “Import from Airtable”. Please note that this feature is still in beta, so if you encounter any issues, please let us know in the community. Currently, importing views, formulas, and lookups is not supported, but we’re working on it!

Community-contributed changes

That’s not all! We also want to give a shoutout to our amazing community contributors who have made valuable contributions to Baserow.

Thanks to Davide for contributing:

  • Add “insert left” and “insert right” field buttons to grid view head context buttons.
  • Added accept image/* attribute to the form cover and logo upload.
  • Fixed error when the select row modal is closed immediately after opening.
  • Allow for signup via workspace invitation while public registration is closed.

Thanks Gaurang Tandon for contributing various small fixes and chores:

  • Delete redundant format strings, Remove redundant assertions in test_view_models, Fix typo in test_get_include_exclude_fields and Use consistent ID in grid view field options tests.

All changes

Here’s the full list of changes in Baserow 1.9:

  • Added accept image/* attribute to the form cover and logo upload.
  • Added management to import a shared Airtable base.
  • Fixed adding new fields in the edit row popup that require refresh in Kanban and Form views.
  • Cache model fields when generating model.
  • Fixed '<' not supported between instances of 'NoneType' and 'int' error. Blank string for a decimal value is now converted to None when using the REST API.
  • Moved the in component <i18n> translations to JSON files.
  • Fix restoring table linking to trashed tables creating invalid link field.
  • Fixed not being able to create or convert a single select field with edge case name.
  • Add Kanban view filters.
  • Fix missing translation when importing empty CSV
  • Fixed OpenAPI spec. The specification is now valid and can be used for imports to other tools, e.g. to various REST clients.
  • Added search to gallery views.
  • Views supporting search are properly updated when a column with a matching default value is added.
  • Allow for workspace registrations while public registration is closed
  • Allow for signup via workspace invitation while public registration is closed.
  • breaking change Number field has been changed and doesn’t use number_type property anymore. The property number_decimal_places can be now set to 0 to indicate integers instead.
  • Fixed error when the select row modal is closed immediately after opening.
  • Add footer aggregations to grid view
  • Hide “Export view” button if there is no valid exporter available
  • Fix Django’s default index naming scheme causing index name collisions.
  • Add “insert left” and “insert right” field buttons to grid view head context buttons.
  • Workaround bug in Django’s schema editor sometimes causing incorrect transaction rollbacks resulting in the connection to the database becoming unusable.
  • Rework Baserow docker images so they can be built and tested by gitlab CI.
  • Bumped some backend and web-frontend dependencies.
  • Remove runtime mjml service and pre-render email templates at build time.
  • Add the all-in-one Baserow docker image.
  • Migrate the Baserow Cloudron and Heroku images to work from the all-in-one.
  • breaking change docker-compose.yml now requires secrets to be setup by the user, listens by default on with a Caddy reverse proxy, use BASEROW_PUBLIC_URL and BASEROW_CADDY_ADDRESSES now to configure a domain with optional auto https.
  • Add health checks for all services.
  • Ensure error logging is enabled in the Backend even when DEBUG is off.
  • Dutch language
  • German language
  • New templates
  • Updated templates