Application Builder - Button element

Buttons are key for interaction in the Baserow Application Builder. They let users start actions.

We’ll show you how to set up a button and go over each setting option carefully.


The Button element is like a trigger that lets users do something when they click it. It’s a way to make things happen with a simple click, making actions easy and quick for users.

For the button element, you can configure the element properties, style, and events from the element settings.

The Application Builder allows you to bind the text to data sources. This enables the text to update dynamically based on user input or application logic.

Add and configure button elements

To add a button element, access the elements panel and select Button.

Once added, place the button wherever you want it on the page. Don’t worry if it’s not perfectly positioned initially; you can always move it later.

Learn more about how to add and remove an element from a page.

Add and configure button elements

Now, you’ll configure the button’s properties to make it function and look the way you want. This involves settings related to button events, like what happens when it’s clicked, and its style.

Button horizontal alignment

There are several ways to achieve horizontal alignment for your button element within the Application Builder.

The horizontal alignment property controls how a button element is positioned within its container on the page. This helps you create a visually appealing and user-friendly page.

  • Left: Aligns the button to the left edge of its container.
  • Center: Aligns the button horizontally in the center of its container.
  • Right: Aligns the button to the right edge of its container.

Button Horizontal alignment

Button width

Consider your design and user experience goals when choosing the button width.

When it comes to the appearance of buttons, you have two options: “auto” and “full width.”

  • Auto width: This means the button will adjust its width automatically based on the content inside. If your button text is short, the button will be narrower; if it’s longer, the button will widen accordingly.
  • Full width: Choosing this option means the button will stretch across the entire width of its container, regardless of the text inside. It provides a more expansive look and can be visually impactful.

Button width

Button color

Before publishing the application button, consider styling the buttons.

You can easily modify the color in the Application Builder.

Learn more about element style.

Navigate to the page where you can edit the heading you want to modify and select the heading element within the editor. Change the color of a heading element using the property within a General tab.

Click on the color picker or input field next to the color option.

Set the desired color of the heading using one of these methods:

  • Hexadecimal color code: Enter a six-digit code preceded by a hashtag (#), like #FF0000 for red.
  • RGB value: Specify the red, green, and blue values (0-255) separated by commas, like RGB (255, 0, 0) for red.
  • Opacity: Adjust the transparency of the chosen color using a value between 0 (fully transparent) and 1 (fully opaque).

Use a visual color picker tool to interactively choose a desired color.

Alternatively, you can inherit the default styles defined in the theme settings for a cohesive look.

Button color

Button events

On the right side of the page, you’ll find the Events tab. It has a dropdown menu where you can choose what the button will do when someone clicks on it.

A button element can perform the following actions:

  • Show notification: This means it can display a message or alert to the user.
  • Open page: Clicking the button can take the user to another page or website.
  • Create row: It can add a new row of data. The action requires an integration to be used.
  • Update row: This action allows modifying or editing existing data in a row. The action requires an integration to be used.

Learn more about element events.