Baserow glossary

Whether using Baserow for personal or professional purposes, learning the concepts of Baserow will help you get the most out of the software.

This glossary provides explanations of key terms related to Baserow’s functionality and features. It serves as a valuable resource to enhance your understanding of Baserow while creating workspaces, databases, tables, and other elements.

Image showing Baserow core terms

Baserow concepts

Admin panel The Admin Panel is a centralized interface for Instance admins to manage the Enterprise account for their organization.
Billable user A billable user counts towards the users your subscription plan allows.
Cell A cell is the area formed by the intersection of a column and a row. It is the basic unit of data storage. Each grid-like pattern contains cells to store the information in them.
Database A database is made up of tables. A Baserow database may contain numerous tables containing data for various projects.
Field A field/column is a collection of values of the same data type. Each column in a table represents a field. Each field is a data structure that holds a defined data type, such as text, numbers, dates, boolean, collaborators, select and URL.
Hosted A SaaS (hosted cloud) application is created on and accessed over the internet through Baserow’s servers.
Instance ID The instance ID is the unique identifier of your Baserow copy to which the license will be connected to it. Your Self-hosted Instance ID is required to upgrade users to the premium plan if you have installed Baserow on your own server.
Instance admin An Instance-wide admin in the self-hosted instance is the person who set up the instance. Only Instance admins can manage licenses, subscriptions and site-wide settings. The account that installs and sets up Baserow is automatically an Instance admin and has staff privileges. Instance admins have server-wide access over all users and all workspace data. They have the ability to revoke an existing Instance admin’s own staff permissions. The first user who signed up is automatically a server-wide admin.
An instance admin can be different from a workspace admin
Kanban view Kanban view allows you to visualize data at a glance and prioritize moving those tasks through the workflow. With the Kanban View, you can view your tasks in a new way by arranging them as cards on a board.
License A premium license gives you access to all premium features in the self-hosted version.
License key A licence key is a unique string of characters that will allow you to register your Baserow self-hosted instance. It’s not possible to use the same key on two different installations.
Link to table field The link to table field type creates relationships that connect tables together. For example, you could connect a “Customers” table to an “Orders” table to see which customers placed which orders.
Role based permissions A role specifies a set of permissions that manages user access or lets a user perform specific tasks. You can assign or restrict one of the following roles – Admin, Builder, Editor, Commenter, and Viewer - to users. Role based permissions feature is only available to users on SaaS Advanced and Self-hosted Enterprise plans.
Row Each row in a table represents a unique record.
Row ID A Row ID is a numerical column automatically filled with an incrementing integer value when a row is inserted. Use the row_id() formula to return the row’s unique identifying number.
Self-hosted Self-hosting is the practice of hosting and managing your applications on your own server. Self-Hosted software is also known as “on-premises” or “in-house” hosting.
Single sign-on (SSO) Single Sign On (SSO) allows users to log in just one time with one set of credentials to get access to all corporate apps, websites, and data for which they have permission. With single sign-on (SSO), users can log in to Baserow with one set of login information.
Snapshot Snapshots are a full copy of your database of the moment when they were created. A duplication of that data will be created when restoring. Snapshots are automatically deleted after one year.
Table All of the data in a database is stored in tables. Data is logically organised in rows and columns in tables. You can store multiple tables in a single database.
Table ID A table ID is a value that uniquely identifies a table in a database. It assigns an identifier to a table to easily access it via API.
View A view determines how records in a table will be displayed and manipulated. Each view in a table is based on a model of the data. Data edited in a view will reflect across all views in the table. Grid view is the default view type, but there are also form, gallery, and kanban view types.
Workspace A Workspace provides collaborative access to databases. Workspaces allow you to organize related tables, views, and other elements into a single cohesive unit.
Workspace admin Workspace admins are in charge of the workspace’s management. Workspace admins can assign permissions to workspace members.
A workspace admin can be different from an instance admin
Workspace member Workspace members are collaborators who use Baserow without admin access. Workspace admins in the Free, Self Hosted Premium plan, or SaaS Hosted Premium plan can assign can grant users access to the workspace as workspace Admins or Members. Baserow Advanced and Enterprise plans come with advanced user management to boost data protection and privacy requirements.

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