Application settings

Baserow makes managing app settings easy with its user-friendly Application Builder. You can tailor your apps to fit just what you need.

Let’s dive into how to set up your Baserow app. This way, you can make it work just right for you.


Before you start creating your application, take a moment to set up some basic settings.

Here’s how to access the application settings:

  1. Look on the left side for the toolbar.
  2. Find the application you want to work on.
  3. On the right side, click the three dots next to the application.
  4. Choose Settings from the options that appear.

Now, you can easily change the general settings of your application.

Application settings

Next, we’ll walk through the different parts of the settings to make sure your application is all set up properly.


To publish your application, you have to link it to a domain. This is necessary before you can make your application accessible publicly.

Your application can be published in two ways:

  1. You can use a subdomain provided by Baserow, e.g.
  2. You can use your custom domain, like

For each domain you list, you can publish different versions of your application. This flexibility allows you to tailor your application for different audiences or purposes.

Learn more about setting up and configuring your domain to make your application publicly available.

Associate a domain with your Baserow application


When you authorize your account for integrations, everyone with edit permissions to the application gains access to the data you can see. By creating a connection, you let the application use your account to make changes in your Baserow workspace.

If you want to keep things separate, you can create another user with the right permissions and use that one instead.

Create new integrations in Baserow

You can create new integrations by adding a data source, event, or user authentication.

  • Data source: Adding a data source means you can work with structured data more flexibly. It lets you use and change data stored in Baserow right in your application. This makes your application more flexible and useful because you can tap into Baserow’s strong database features.

    Learn more about configuring a data source.

  • Events: Events allow users to perform specific actions within your application with just a click. These events can range from simple tasks like submitting forms or triggering notifications to complex operations such as initiating workflows or executing API calls.

    Learn more about events in an application.

  • User sources: User authentication boosts security and personalization in your application. When you set up user sources, you’re ensuring that users can safely log in and access their accounts. It also means they get content tailored just for them, adding a personalized touch to their experience.

    Learn more about configuring a user source.

User sources

To enable users to log in securely, you need to add a user source for authentication. This allows users to access the data stored in the database through your application.

User sources handle user authentication, registration, and management securely. Once set up, your users can easily sign up, log in, and take control of their accounts within the application.

Learn more about configuring a user source.


In the Theme section, you can customize the appearance of elements by adjusting various parameters.

  • Colors: You can fine-tune the default colors to achieve the desired visual presentation.
  • Typography: You can also specify the default font size and color for the headings.

This level of customization allows for consistent styling throughout your application, for a cohesive and aesthetically pleasing user experience.

Application Builder theme

You have two options for selecting a font color:

  • Hexadecimal color code: This is a six-digit code preceded by a hashtag (#). Enter a valid hex code (e.g., #FF0000 for red) in the designated field.
  • RGB value: Specify the color using RGB values. This format specifies the intensity of each color channel on a scale of 0 to 255. (e.g., RGB (255, 0, 0) for red).

Adjust the opacity for a subtle effect

Baserow application hex code