Role levels in Baserow

Assigning role based permission is only available to users with a Self-hosted Enterprise License or on SaaS Hosted Advanced Plan.

When you invite users to a workspace, you’ll be prompted to choose the initial setup. As a workspace admin, you can assign roles to members or teams at three levels: Workspace, Database, and Table. These levels determine how users can access and interact with data within the workspace, database, or table.

Workspace level roles

When a member is added to a workspace, a default role is initially set. The member will have access to the entire workspace at the role level assigned to them. Learn how to assign a default role for a workspace.

The person who created the workspace is automatically designated as an admin. There may be more than one admin for a workspace.

Teams or members may gain access to databases and tables in that workspace, through their roles in the parent workspace. If a team or member joins a workspace, the default role at workspace level is automatically assigned to them on all databases and tables in the workspace, unless an exception is set and a role with a higher hierarchy takes precedence.

Admin Builder Editor Commenter Viewer
General actions
Invite members into the workspace
Manage roles of members of the workspace
Remove access from all other users
View the trash for database or workspace
Access/view the workspace, database and table within the workspace at your assigned role

The power to invite a member into the workspace and manage existing users is restricted to the Admins of that Workspace. Admins on a Database or Table can only manage the roles for that Database or Table, not the entire Workspace.

Database level roles

If a user or team has a role in a Database, they automatically get that role on every table in that database. They will only have access to tables in that specific database at the role level that you have assigned to them unless an exception is set and a role with a higher hierarchy takes precedence.

Learn how to assign roles on individual databases.

Admin Builder Editor Commenter Viewer
General actions
Invite users to Database at or below your role
Manage roles of members on that Database
Remove access from all other users *
View the trash for database
Access/view the database and tables within the workspace at your assigned role
Create, delete, rename and re-order databases

Table level roles

If a user or team has a default role in a Table, they will only have access to that table at the role level to which they have been assigned. They automatically get that role on the specific table, unless an exception is set and a role with a higher hierarchy takes precedence.

Learn how to assign roles on individual tables.

Admin Builder Editor Commenter Viewer
General actions
Manage roles of members of that Table
Remove access from all other users *
Access/view the specific table at your assigned role
Field actions
Create and delete fields, update them (fields or meta data of the table), rename them and re-order them
View actions
Make views, webhooks and generate links to share the view publicly
Row and Cell actions
Update cells in a table
Update, create and delete rows
Leave comments on every row
View the data in a table

Admins in a Workspace, Database or Table can remove access from each other. For example, an admin can make a database and assign the “No Access” role to all other users to make it private.

For a full technical list of what each role can do, view our internal database. The operations each role can do is stored in the database.

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