Element visibility

The visibility tab provides a powerful tool to control access to information and functionalities within your application.

This article explains how to control who sees specific elements within your application using the visibility tab in the Application Builder.


The visibility tab allows you to define which user groups can view specific elements in your application according to a user’s authentication status. This is helpful for situations where you want to:

  • Restrict access to certain content for logged-in users only.
  • Provide special information for visitors who haven’t signed up yet.
  • Control what everyone, regardless of login status, can see.

You can set a different visibility level for each element in your application. This allows you to create a customized user experience based on login status.

Baserow Visibility tab and its location on the right-side panel

How to use the visibility tab

  1. Select an Element: Click on the element in your application that you want to control visibility for. This could be a button, text, image, or any other component.
  2. Open the visibility tab: Look for the right-side panel within the Application Builder. There should be a tab labeled “Visibility”.
  3. Choose visibility level: Within the Visibility tab, you’ll see three options:
    • All visitors: This option makes the element visible to everyone who visits your application, regardless of their login status.
    • Logged-in visitors: This option restricts the element to users who have successfully logged in to your application.
    • Logged-out visitors: This option makes the element visible only to users who haven’t logged in yet.
  4. Set visibility: Click on the desired option to define who can see the selected element.