User sources

User sources are necessary for user authentication in apps. They set up secure access and sign-in steps. To let users sign into an application, you need to add a user source.

We’ll show you how to handle user sources in a Baserow application here.


When you add a user source, you’re deciding how users will log into the application. You’ll adjust the settings for signing in. With these, users can enter their usernames and passwords to get into the application and use the data.

You’ll find a list of all the user sources you’ve connected, along with a button to add a new one. This makes it easy to manage who can access the application and how they do it.

The login element allows users to access an application with secure credentials. Learn more about the login element.

Add a user source

Adding a user source allows the application to recognize and authenticate users effectively.

  1. Go to the Settings → Users page.

  2. Click on Add user source.

  3. Choose the type of user source you want to add.

  4. Select an integration from the dropdown menu or click Add new integration directly. Learn more about integrations and how to configure them.

  5. Click Create.

    Add new user source in Baserow

After you create a user source, the user settings will become available.

Configure user source

To edit the user source for authentication, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Application settings → Users.

  2. Locate the user source that you want to edit.

  3. Click the option to edit or modify the existing user source.

    Edit or modify the existing user source

  4. Review the integration details, including the integration with your database.

  5. Specify the database and table from your workspace that you want to use for user authentication. The items in the list can be sorted and filtered according to the sorting and filtering configuration of the default view.

  6. Select the appropriate fields in the table that match the user information. Typically, the email field is used for identification purposes.

    Baserow authentication method is set to "Email/Password"

  7. Ensure that the authentication method is set to “Email/Password” to allow users to authenticate using their email and password.

    The password field type is a write-only field. It lets you set a password for each row. This password is stored as a hash and is never shown.

Save the changes to update the user source configuration.

Once the user source is added and configured, users can authenticate the application using their credentials.