Rating field

The Rating field allows you to assign a rating to a row that may be used to assess the relative value or the quality of a row. Each number in the rating field is considered to be its scale and indicates a level for the row. Therefore, you can rate your rows from 0 to 10.

Create a rating field

To create a rating field,

  1. Click the plus sign + to the right of your existing fields or insert a new field next to an existing field.
  2. Select the rating field type and input the name of the field.
  3. Select a color, style and maximum value
  4. Click ‘Create

enter image description here

The maximum number of symbols is indicated in grey when you hover your mouse over a cell in a rating field.

enter image description here

To assign a rating to a row or to edit a field you’ve already rated, simply click the right amount of symbols. You can also assign the number of symbols by typing the relevant number on your keyboard.

Customise rating field

You can customize the color, style and maximum value from 1 - 10. Users can change the style of the field’s rating symbol from the default star, or choose a color from the four available colors.

enter image description here

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