Group by a field

Baserow’s grouped rows feature lets you organize your data by collapsing rows based on chosen fields. You can group by one or more fields, giving you a flexible way to analyze and visualize your information.


The Group by feature can be found in the grid view. It lets you group rows based on a certain field. When you choose the field to group by, groups form automatically from the unique values in that field.

By grouping rows, you can categorize your data based on one or more conditions. The option to add multiple groups enables you to create subgroups within each group of rows, allowing for more detailed categorization. Additionally, you can view the count of items combined in each group.

Grouping rows lets you sort your data according to one or more conditions. You can add many conditions to make subgroups within each group of rows. This allows for better sorting. Plus, you can see how many items are in each group.

Getting started with grouped rows in Baserow

Add a new group

To group rows,

  1. Open a grid view and click on the Group button.
  2. Choose a field to group by.
  3. Once you’ve selected the field you want to group by from the dropdown, fields will automatically be categorized based on the group option.

Change the field referenced in the group by selecting a field from the dropdown options

Group by multiple fields

You can also group your rows by multiple fields.

To apply a new group, click Choose a field to group by and then select a field from the dropdown menu.

Group configuration options

Baserow’s grouped rows functionality allows you to visually organize your data based on the values of specific fields.

When there are a few different fields to be grouped by, add the options in the order you want the fields to be grouped by.

To remove a grouping option, click on the X button to the left of the group option.

Grouped rows summary

Each group has a summary showing how many rows it has.

Baserow Grouped rows summary

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