Collaborator field

Collaborator field allows users to assign team members, clients, or other stakeholders to collaborate on a specific record within a database. With this field, you can easily assign tasks, share important information, and communicate with your team members in real-time, all within the context of a single row.

In this section, we will explore and discover the power of the Collaborator field.

How to add a collaborator field

With the collaborator field, you can assign collaborators by selecting names from a list of users who are invited to your workspace. To add a collaborator field,

  1. Click the plus sign to the right of your existing fields in a grid view.
  2. Select the collaborator field type and input the name of the field.
  3. Click Create.

enter image description here

When the collaborator field is added, you can tag members of your workspace to a row.

enter image description here

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