Preview and publish an application

Previewing and publishing your Baserow application is necessary to make it public and accessible to others.

In this section, we’ll go over the steps to preview and publish your Baserow application.

Preview and publish an application

Make sure you’ve set up everything right by checking the necessary configurations. This helps your app work well when it goes live.

Preview an application

Preview mode enables you to test your application’s functionality and appearance before making it public.

Use the preview to make sure your app looks and works like you want it to.

Just hit the Preview button in the top-right of your screen. You can then see how your application is doing.

Publish an application

Publishing your application puts all your updates on the internet right away. Until you publish, no one else can see your application or its pages.

Before you share your application with the world, double-check its settings, permissions, integrations, and make sure all your data sources are safe and working right. This keeps your application secure.

Publish application

When you’re ready to make your application available to users, configure the publish settings.

To make your application visible to anyone on the web, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the Publish button located within your top navigation bar.

  2. You should see your domain and publication status info in the menu that opens.

    You need to have at least one domain to publish your application. Your application can have multiple domains, each running a different version of the application. Learn more about how to configure your domain link.

  3. Click on the Publish button located within the pop-up window.

  4. This action will deploy your changes to the live environment.

  5. Once the changes are published, copy the link that you can share with anyone to access your application online.

Remember: publishing makes your application live and accessible to the public. Make sure your changes are final and ready for public viewing before clicking the Publish button.