Footer aggregation

Footer aggregations are summary calculations displayed in the footer row of a grid view. These calculations can provide valuable insights into your data at a glance, such as total sums, averages, or minimum and maximum values.

In Baserow, footer aggregations play a crucial role in computing values derived from a specific field in a table. This section covers the process of performing aggregations that help calculate these values accurately.


In Baserow, you can calculate the footer aggregate value by considering all the rows present in a grid view. This resulting value is then displayed in the footer cells for easy reference.

We perform calculations on all the data in the grid and summarize it at the bottom, providing a comprehensive overview of the data at a glance. This allows for quick evaluation and summarization of field values across a group of rows, except for the lookup field.

Please note that referencing these aggregated values is not possible.

Footer aggregation in Baserow

Get field summary

By default, the footer summary for each field is empty. To obtain the summary of a specific field, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the grid view you want to modify.
  2. Look for the bottom row of the grid view table. This row typically displays labels corresponding to each data column.
  3. Click on the footer bar cell located beneath the specific data field where you want to enable aggregation to access the aggregation options.
  4. A menu listing available aggregation functions will appear. Select the desired aggregation function (e.g., Sum, Average, Min, Max) to be applied to that particular data column.

Get field summary in baserow

Once you’ve chosen the aggregation function, the calculated value will be displayed in the corresponding footer cell. This value will automatically update whenever the underlying data in the grid view changes.

When you share a grid view publicly, any footer aggregations you have applied will also be visible to your viewers. This is helpful for presenting summarized information in public data displays.

Note: Only footer aggregations you have explicitly set will be displayed. The default footer will not show any calculations.

footer aggregations in public grid views

General functions

The field type will determine the kinds of footer summaries that are available. Some summary functions will appear in date, single select, single line, phone number, email, file, multiple select, formula, link to table, long text, URL, created, and last modified fields. These are:

  • Empty
  • Filled
  • Percent empty
  • Percent filled
  • Unique (except Link to table, file, created on and multiple select fields)

Functions for date fields

In addition to the general function, certain functions will only appear in date, last modified and created on:

  • Earliest date
  • Latest date

enter image description here

Functions for boolean fields

A special aggregation function for a boolean field allows you to see the number or percentage of checked and unchecked cells

  • Checked
  • Unchecked
  • Percent checked
  • Percent unchecked

enter image description here

Functions for number and rating fields

In addition to the general function, you can use the number field footer aggregation to calculate the sum, minimum, or maximum of numeric data in grid view columns. For numeric and rating fields:

  • Min: Displays the smallest value in the field.
  • Max: Displays the largest value in the field.
  • Sum: Calculates the total of all values in the field.
  • Average: Calculates the mean of all values in the field.
  • Median
  • Standard deviation
  • Variance

enter image description here

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