Last modified by field

The Last modified by field shows who made the most recent changes to a row in the table. This feature makes it easier for you to keep track of who is responsible for the updates. By knowing who made the changes, you can work together more efficiently and keep all workflows running smoothly.


The Last modified by field in Baserow automatically tracks and displays the name of the collaborator who last edited a row in a table.

It facilitates accountability and collaboration by making it clear who edited the information and helps in tracing back decisions and actions to specific individuals for historical reference or follow-up.

The Last modified by field is a non-editable field that displays collaborator’s name, ensuring data integrity and preventing unauthorized changes.

Last modified by field in Baserow

Add a Last modified by field

  1. Open your Baserow database and the desired table.
  2. Click the + button to add a new field.
  3. Search for Last modified by and select it.
  4. Click Create.

When a row is modified, Baserow automatically populates the “Last modified by” field with the name of the collaborator.

The Last modified by field tracks edits or updates made by other collaborators after creation. For other activity tracking, consider using the Created by field.

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