Page settings

In this section, we will cover page settings.

You can access the page settings by opening the page. On the left-hand side of the top navigation bar, you can access Elements, Data, and Page settings.

Learn more about how to create a new page and manage existing pages.


In the Page section, you have the Page name, Path, and Path parameters fields, where you can edit the name and path you had assigned to the page on creation.

Baserow Page settings

Page name

Edit the name and path assigned to your page for clarity and organization.

Learn more about renaming pages in this support article.

Page path

The path of the page can be found in Page Settings → Page.

To define the path of a page, use the /path format. This represents the location of the page within the application’s structure.

For instance, if you have a page named “About” that is located directly under the root directory of your application, its path would be /about.

To link to your homepage, simply use / as a reference.

The page /path is useful for organizing content hierarchically, such as categorizing products in an e-commerce site /electronics/phones/smartphones. It helps users and search engines navigate the website efficiently.

Page path

Path parameters

Path parameters act as placeholders in URLs to load data dynamically to specific parameters. With path parameters, you can retrieve data to make content more personalized.

You can include a parameter by using the syntax :parameter within the path. This allows for flexibility in specifying endpoints and fetching relevant data based on the parameters provided in the URL.

For example, if you have an endpoint like /users/:userId. Here, :userId acts as the path parameter, allowing you to fetch data specific to the user whose ID is supplied in the request.

Path parameters