Configure Baserow in Make

Make allows you to create custom workflows that can perform actions in response to a trigger. Baserow can be easily connected to over 1000 apps and services, allowing you to automate repetitive tasks without writing code.

What you’ll need

  • A Baserow account
  • A free Make account

Supported Operations




  • List Rows - Finds a page of rows in a given table.

Create a Baserow Database token

Before connecting to Make, you must authenticate with your Baserow database token.

⚠️  Database tokens provide similar functionality to login credentials, but they provide additional security and flexibility. A token, like your username and password, should be kept secure and handled with the utmost confidentiality. Do not share it with others or expose it.

  1. Log in to your Baserow account.

  2. Click on your account/profile in the top left corner, then navigate to “Settings” → “Database tokens”.

  3. Click on the ‘Create token +’ button

  4. Enter a name for the token and select an existing workspace

  5. Click on the ‘Create token’ button to create a new token for the selected workspace and for the authorized user.

    create a Baserow Database token

  6. Copy the database token to a safe place.

You have created a database token successfully.

Create a connection using a database token

To automate with most apps in Make, you must first create a connection. Through this connection, Make communicates with the third-party service according to the settings of your specific scenario.

  1. Log in to your Make account, open the Baserow module scenario, and click the ”Add” button next to the Connection type field.

  2. Optional: In the Connection name field, enter a name for the connection. A default connection name is provided. You can change it if you want.

  3. Enter your Baserow API URL. Find your Baserow API URL in your API documentation. If you are using cloud version, the default URL is, otherwise, replace the URL with your self-hosted URL.

  4. Enter the token copied in the section, Create a Database token.

    Create a connection using a database token

  5. Click Save to create a connection.

The connection has been established successfully. You can now edit your scenario to add Baserow modules.

You can manage your connections in the Connections section in Make. Here you can see which permissions Make has for your Baserow account and rename, reauthorize, or delete existing connections.

Baserow Modules

You can watch, create, get, update, list and delete rows, and call APIs using the following modules.

Watch Created Rows

Returns all newly created or updated rows in a table.

  1. Add the Watch Created Rows module to your Make scenario.

  2. Configure the trigger

    Connection Create a connection using database token
    Table ID Enter (or map) your Baserow Table ID in which you want to watch rows created. You can find the ID by clicking on the three dots next to the table in the database. It’s the number between brackets.

    Watch Created Rows

  3. Click “OK” to save this module and “Run once” to test the connection.

Every time a new row is created, the Watch Created Rows module in your Make scenario is triggered and returns the row details.

Optionally, use the Webhook module to trigger when the webhook receives data. For more information on how to create a webhook in Baserow, see the support documentation.

Create a Row

Creates a new row in a Baserow.

  1. Add the Create a Row module to your Make scenario.

  2. Configure the action

    Connection Create a connection using database token
    Table ID Enter (or map) your Baserow Table ID in which you want to create a row. You can find the ID by clicking on the three dots next to the table in the database. It’s the number between brackets.
    Row data Enter (or map) values in the fields. See Baserow’s guide to permitted field types.

    Toggle the map option to retrieve items from a source module and then map in the settings of the Create a Row module. Click the field you want to map an item from a previous module. This will open a mapping panel with all items and sample values available for mapping from the preceding modules in the scenario.

  3. Click “OK” to save this module and “Run once” to test the connection.

Get a Row

Retrieves a single row in a given table by its ID.

  1. Add the Get a Row module to your Make scenario.

  2. Configure the action

    Connection Create a connection using database token
    Table ID Enter (or map) your Baserow Table ID in which you want to create a row. You can find the ID by clicking on the three dots next to the table in the database. It’s the number between brackets.
    Row ID Enter (or map) the Row ID whose data you want to get.

    Get a Row

  3. Click “OK” to save this module and “Run once” to test the connection.

Delete a Row

Deletes an existing row by its ID.

  1. Add the Delete a Row module to your Make scenario.

  2. Configure the action

    Connection Create a connection using database token
    Table ID Enter (or map) your Baserow Table ID in which you want to create a row. You can find the ID by clicking on the three dots next to the table in the database. It’s the number between brackets.
    Row ID Enter (or map) the Row ID whose data you want to delete.
  3. Click “OK” to save this module and “Run once” to test the connection.

Update a Row

Updates an existing row by its ID.

  1. Add the Update a Row module to your Make scenario.

  2. Configure the action

    Connection Create a connection using database token
    Table ID Enter (or map) your Baserow Table ID in which you want to create a row. You can find the ID by clicking on the three dots next to the table in the database. It’s the number between brackets.
    Row ID Enter (or map) the Row ID whose data you want to update.
    Row data Enter (or map) values in the fields. See Baserow’s guide to permitted field types
  3. Click “OK” to save this module and “Run once” to test the connection.

Make an API Call

Performs an authorized API call.

  1. Add the Make an API Call module to your Make scenario.

  2. Configure the action

    Connection Create a connection using database token
    URL Enter a path relative to For example, /api/database/fields/table/{table_id}. For the list of available endpoints, refer to the database REST API Documentation.
    Method Select the HTTP method you want to use: GET to retrieve information for an entry. POST to create a new entry. PUT to update/replace an existing entry. PATCH to make a partial entry update. DELETE to delete an entry.
    Headers Enter the desired request headers. The authorization headers are added by default.
    Query String Enter the request query parameters. e.g. filter__field_1__equal (key) = test (value)
    Body Enter the body content for your API call.
  3. Click “OK” to save this module and “Run once” to test the connection.

    Make an API call

List Rows

Finds a page of rows in a given table.

  1. Add the List Row module to your Make scenario.

  2. Configure the action

    Connection Create a connection using database token
    Table ID Enter (or map) your Baserow Table ID in which you want to create a row. You can find the ID by clicking on the three dots next to the table in the database. It’s the number between brackets.
    Limit Set the maximum number of rows Make will return during one execution cycle. The default value is 10.
    Search Enter (or map) a search query to filter rows you want to receive in the output. If no query is provided, all rows within the limit will be returned. If provided only rows with cell data that match the search query are going to be returned.

    Finds a page of rows in a given table.

  3. Click “OK” to save this module and “Run once” to test the connection.

Still need help? If you’re looking for something else, please feel free to make recommendations or ask us questions—we’re ready to assist you.

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   Contact support for questions about Baserow or help with your account.